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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Orange County California
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    Here are Edinburgh date stamps


    and makers marks


    That style of sporran/cantle was most common, I think, in the c1880-1920 period.

    Through at least the 1860s cantles were usually fabricated from sheet metal and oftentimes engraved. Later it became the fashion to use cast cantles. Around 1920 the long goathair sporrans mostly gave way to the new small pocket-shaped sealskin sporrans.

    Two F stamps, 1887 and 1912, nicely fit.

    What a beautiful sporran! A great find there.

    About value, Ebay (sorry to say) will reveal anything's true current open market value.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 21st November 15 at 06:44 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  3. #12
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    Hi Richard.

    Thank you kindly for taking the time to reply to my post. I'm overwhelmed with the response so far. Hats' off to you , sir!

    My initial thoughts were 1920s-1940s era going on the other items - So we weren't too far away it seems. Would you say the chain is original to the sporran ?

    I will be sure to check EBay prices. I did have a quick look last week but there didn't seem to many around with silver chains. Many repros it seems. Ideally I was hoping to sell here or to a collector. Failing that I will use eBay and use Google as a reference with regards to price. They seem to range from 100-1000+ . I'm sure it will find its feet should I start on auction at a fair price. With that said I was also hoping to perhaps sell the entire lot (10 items) - I will have to decide on that one.

    The Sgian-Dudh also has silver markings - Would anyone care to see it? I will use the website above to find the when it was dated - Unless one of you beats me to it !

    All the best !
    "I beir the bel"

  4. #13
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    Images of Sgian-Dubh * with Edinburgh Silver marks 'B' - 1908 ?

    Images of Sgian-Dubh * with Edinburgh Silver marks 'B' - 1908 ? - G.P (George Paton?)

    - Part of lot comprising of 10 items / evening attire.
    "I beir the bel"

  5. #14
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