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  1. #21
    Join Date
    15th February 12
    Seymour , Indiana
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    I know what you mean , it can get kind of complicated when selecting a pleating choice especially with a tartan like Stewart Hunting .

    Based on what you have said , it would seem the first question to be answered would be the number of pleats you desire and how that affects the swing / swish and your own preference of this effect .

    If you like the look of smaller and more pleats ( my preference ) then your options will result in a bit of lighter look to the back .

    I can certainly appreciate your fondness of the black effect when pleating to the brown stripe ( which I like a lot ) and if you had a full 8 yds to work with then I would go that way .

    If the black effect is not a ruling factor , then I would probably go with your last example of pleating to the brown block .

    Alternate pleating to the red and yellow stripe is quite common with this tartan and is okay , although it is a little too busy for my taste . Of course , that's just me and that doesn't count !

    Best of luck on your decision . No matter what you choose it will look grand as this is a very handsome tartan .

    Cheers , Mike
    Last edited by MacGumerait; 24th November 15 at 12:36 AM.
    Mike Montgomery
    Clan Montgomery Society , International

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    London, ON Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post

    If you like the look of smaller and more pleats ( my preference ) then your options will result in a bit of lighter look to the back .

    I can certainly appreciate your fondness of the black effect when pleating to the brown stripe ( which I like a lot ) and if you had a full 8 yds to work with then I would go that way .

    If the black effect is not a ruling factor , then I would probably go with your last example of pleating to the brown block .

    Alternate pleating to the red and yellow stripe is quite common with this tartan and is okay , although it is a little too busy for my taste .
    All pretty much my thoughts, Well I will decide and get started then I'll post pics of the finished product

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGumerait View Post

    Based on what you have said , it would seem the first question to be answered would be the number of pleats you desire and how that affects the swing / swish and your own preference of this effect .

    If you like the look of smaller and more pleats ( my preference )......
    Perhaps others can chime in on this point, but it is my experience that larger pleats tend to crease less when sitting, getting in and out of a car, etc. than smaller ones so I would opt for large pleats, all other things being equal, as repressing/steaming is reduced.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    My favourite option is the lower one in the Original Post, because it gives a more blue-ish look to the pleats.

    The fact that the pleats alternate doesn't stand out all that much, not nearly as much as on the yellow-and-red version.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    My favourite option is the lower one in the Original Post, because it gives a more blue-ish look to the pleats.
    That's the one I've decided to go with, one our favourite things about that tartan is the blue and brown so the more of the blue the better, thanks

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