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  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    It will be a night that I will never forget. Seamus will be singing the "Anniversary Song" to Mom and Dad, and then I'll be getting up to the mic for a toast... and a "little something else".

    It's important enough for me to wear my Irish National Tartan kilt.

    If you guys haven't seen Seamus Kennedy yet... you're in for a REAL TREAT! Take the funniest celtic humorist, the smoothest traditional voice, and your favorite friend... blend it all together... and it's Seamus. I'll owe him (again) after Pittsburgh!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  2. #22
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Well, looks like I blew it. Didn't call until today, and was told the place is filled up for Saturday. Hell, I didn't even realize there was still a nightlife in Pittsburgh!

    Any interest in a Kilted Brunch on Sunday?

  3. #23
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Well, looks like I blew it. Didn't call until today, and was told the place is filled up for Saturday. Hell, I didn't even realize there was still a nightlife in Pittsburgh!

    Any interest in a Kilted Brunch on Sunday?

  4. #24
    Pittsburgh Kilts
    Well, looks like I blew it. Didn't call until today, and was told the place is filled up for Saturday. Hell, I didn't even realize there was still a nightlife in Pittsburgh!

    Any interest in a Kilted Brunch on Sunday?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Whoa! The tables may be filled-up for the show an/or dinner... but it's still a bar! I've gone to The Harp and Fiddle when the place was wall-to-wall for 15 minutes, and then 1/2 empty the next. Being on "The Strip", there's a load of comings-and-goings.

    They're not about to keep you out of the joint if you show-up! As soon as someone gets-up and leaves... slide in to their seat. It's the Irish way.

    Either that, or stand behind someone with a GREAT location and pretend like you're going to be sick. When they get up and run... SIT!

    Have your wife pack your jackets under a sweater. When someone see's a pregnant lady standing in pain, they'll let her sit down in their seat. Now, you have a chair AND a spot for your coats!

    Don't let a phone call keep you away from Seamus Kennedy!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Whoa! The tables may be filled-up for the show an/or dinner... but it's still a bar! I've gone to The Harp and Fiddle when the place was wall-to-wall for 15 minutes, and then 1/2 empty the next. Being on "The Strip", there's a load of comings-and-goings.

    They're not about to keep you out of the joint if you show-up! As soon as someone gets-up and leaves... slide in to their seat. It's the Irish way.

    Either that, or stand behind someone with a GREAT location and pretend like you're going to be sick. When they get up and run... SIT!

    Have your wife pack your jackets under a sweater. When someone see's a pregnant lady standing in pain, they'll let her sit down in their seat. Now, you have a chair AND a spot for your coats!

    Don't let a phone call keep you away from Seamus Kennedy!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Whoa! The tables may be filled-up for the show an/or dinner... but it's still a bar! I've gone to The Harp and Fiddle when the place was wall-to-wall for 15 minutes, and then 1/2 empty the next. Being on "The Strip", there's a load of comings-and-goings.

    They're not about to keep you out of the joint if you show-up! As soon as someone gets-up and leaves... slide in to their seat. It's the Irish way.

    Either that, or stand behind someone with a GREAT location and pretend like you're going to be sick. When they get up and run... SIT!

    Have your wife pack your jackets under a sweater. When someone see's a pregnant lady standing in pain, they'll let her sit down in their seat. Now, you have a chair AND a spot for your coats!

    Don't let a phone call keep you away from Seamus Kennedy!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    18th July 04
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    Jimmy Carbomb Spotted at Pittsburgh Pub

    Well, I finally met Jimmy C and his intended, along with Mom and Pop Carbomb who were along celebrating their 50th Anniversary at The Harp and Fiddle. Jimmy's parents claim that he is the cream of their crop, making me fearful to meet the rest of their brood

    Seriously though, it was nice to finally meet someone from our Xmarks watering hole. After reading about all of the kilt night fun taking place in Vancouver, Philly, and Toronto, it sometimes feels a little lonely here in Pittsburgh. Jimmy's tank in Irish National tartan looked awesome. As for the man himself, I found him every bit as personable, good natured, and intense as I had imagined and look forward to again tipping a pint with him.

    We were surprised to see another pair of kilted fellows in attendance. They seemed just as surprised to see us, though. As for the entertainment I cannot say since the wife and I left before Seamus took the stage. Jimmy will have to give the low down on that, as well as fill you in on his sneaky endeavorings. [So, what did she say, Jimmy?! Don't leave me in suspense!]


  9. #29
    Join Date
    18th July 04
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    Jimmy Carbomb Spotted at Pittsburgh Pub

    Well, I finally met Jimmy C and his intended, along with Mom and Pop Carbomb who were along celebrating their 50th Anniversary at The Harp and Fiddle. Jimmy's parents claim that he is the cream of their crop, making me fearful to meet the rest of their brood

    Seriously though, it was nice to finally meet someone from our Xmarks watering hole. After reading about all of the kilt night fun taking place in Vancouver, Philly, and Toronto, it sometimes feels a little lonely here in Pittsburgh. Jimmy's tank in Irish National tartan looked awesome. As for the man himself, I found him every bit as personable, good natured, and intense as I had imagined and look forward to again tipping a pint with him.

    We were surprised to see another pair of kilted fellows in attendance. They seemed just as surprised to see us, though. As for the entertainment I cannot say since the wife and I left before Seamus took the stage. Jimmy will have to give the low down on that, as well as fill you in on his sneaky endeavorings. [So, what did she say, Jimmy?! Don't leave me in suspense!]


  10. #30
    Join Date
    18th July 04
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    Jimmy Carbomb Spotted at Pittsburgh Pub

    Well, I finally met Jimmy C and his intended, along with Mom and Pop Carbomb who were along celebrating their 50th Anniversary at The Harp and Fiddle. Jimmy's parents claim that he is the cream of their crop, making me fearful to meet the rest of their brood

    Seriously though, it was nice to finally meet someone from our Xmarks watering hole. After reading about all of the kilt night fun taking place in Vancouver, Philly, and Toronto, it sometimes feels a little lonely here in Pittsburgh. Jimmy's tank in Irish National tartan looked awesome. As for the man himself, I found him every bit as personable, good natured, and intense as I had imagined and look forward to again tipping a pint with him.

    We were surprised to see another pair of kilted fellows in attendance. They seemed just as surprised to see us, though. As for the entertainment I cannot say since the wife and I left before Seamus took the stage. Jimmy will have to give the low down on that, as well as fill you in on his sneaky endeavorings. [So, what did she say, Jimmy?! Don't leave me in suspense!]


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