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  1. #1
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    My First Kilted Airport Security Experiment

    I mentioned in a previous "Kilted Fridays" post that I may share my experience wearing kilt for air travel (for the firs time) and someone specifically asked that I do so...

    Friday, January 22, 2016

    I after not getting the opportunity to wear a kilt during my business trip to Las Vegas, NV I decided I would wear a kilt on my way home and see what happened. Here's the run down:

    Getting to the airport:

    I hired a car to take me from my hotel in Henderson, NV to the airport. Other than a smile the driver didn't even seem to notice I was wearing a kilt, which is fine of course.

    Here's what I wore:

    USA Kilts Casual (no metal!)
    Large blanket pin style kilt pin (removed and stowed in my nail trimmer kit - put back on after clearing security)
    Thorfinn Sporran (removed and stowed in my carry-on bag for the security checkpoint)
    Corgi wool hose
    Bates Paratrooper boots
    Standard style undershirt
    Standard long sleeve button up shirt
    Wool pullover sweater/jumper
    No belt... No flashes
    And for this experiment I elected to wear drawers, which I tend to do anyway these days.

    Items like my keys, cell phone, eyeglasses, wallet and watch were stowed away in my already stowed away sporran. I usually put them all in my carry-on bag anyway.

    The TSA (airport security) experience:

    The queue was long but it moved quite quickly. On this occasion the wonderful folks with TSA were letting everyone keep their shoes and belts on. Laptop and liquids stayed in bags, and we went through the old style metal detectors. I was expecting it to be at least as much of a hassle as it normally seems to be - maybe even more, but it was an absolute breeze.

    What attention did I get?:

    One agent commented that it's been a long time since he had been to Scotland. I heard a couple of girls chuckle while winding thought the security queue (no evidence that it had anything to do with me). I also got some of those inquisitive looks to which most of us have become accustomed. Also, a paramedic (who had just finished helping a woman with a medical issue) looked at me and said "Niiiiice!". There was a group of young-ish guys a couple of gates down that seemed to be staring a bit for a few minutes, but otherwise it was just a normal airport experience and the vast majority really didn't seem to pay me any attention to me.

    On the aircraft:

    The flight itself was uneventful. I was in an aisle seat and the middle seat was vacant. The gentleman in the window seat boarded after me and didn't say anything, nor did anyone else. Risking a "TMI" situation here, I did get up to visit the lavatory once. Again, not even a noticeable reaction or glance from anyone.

    On the other side:

    Back in North Texas I figured I get more funny looks walking through the terminal, but I didn't... far as I know.

    Final summary:

    It was a really good (and comfortable) experience and I feel fortunate that security was less hassle in general than the last several times I've flown. I have since heard from others that things have been starting to loosen up a little bit with airport security in some airports in the U.S. Nothing negative about this adventure other than the slight nervousness I felt when the driver arrived to me up at my hotel. This is normal for me, as I don't wear the kilt as frequently as I would like. I'm getting better about it and this outing will be another boost to my confidence. Will I do this again? Yes, depending on the circumstances, my destination and with whom I am travelling. I had absolutely no issues whatsoever and I enjoyed it. I recommend it where the situation allows (whatever that means for you as an individual).

    This photo (shared in the previous post) isn't a good one... I set the timer, propped the phone up on my bag, then did a little edit later to get it as cropped, centered and as straight as I could.

    Happy Kilting!
    Last edited by MinusHD; 1st February 16 at 02:30 PM. Reason: clarification
    Sláinte from Texas,
    - Minus
    Man ˇ Motorcycle Enthusiast ˇ Musician

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  3. #2
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    Im glad you had a good experience. I recently heard of a kilted gentleman that had to be wanded. He thought it was because the new fangled scanners could not see clearly through the additional fabric of a kilt. I started wearing a kilt in everyday life frequently last fall. At first it was unsettling, now it's old hat.

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  5. #3
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    Here in Canadian airports you likely would have lost your kilt pin when it was scanned, even though it was in your carry on.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
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  6. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Liam For This Useful Post:

  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liam View Post
    Here in Canadian airports you likely would have lost your kilt pin when it was scanned, even though it was in your carry on.
    I only take a cheap pin like a blanket pin and put it in my spectacle case in my hand luggage. So far so good. In Cardiff Airport recently my kilt buckles did not even set off the metal alarm . A first

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  9. #5
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    Glad you had a good experience. I've already discovered that the more you wear a kilt the less self-conscious you are about it. I wear mine now every day I am not loading/unloading (safety reasons) or not in freezing weather. I hardly give it a second thought.

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_Carrick View Post
    I only take a cheap pin like a blanket pin and put it in my spectacle case in my hand luggage. So far so good. In Cardiff Airport recently my kilt buckles did not even set off the metal alarm . A first
    I have tried the trick of rotating my kilt so the buckles were front and back and sailed right through. Not sure why this works but it does.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  12. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Liam For This Useful Post:

  13. #7
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    Travels with Kilts

    Good man. I've yet to wear a kilt through an airport but I fully intend to do so. Around Christmas, I started to wear a kilt full-time and it's perfectly natural feeling to me at this point in time. I do wear trousers occasionally and I'll probably balance out my wardrobe in time but I tend to have a personality where I go "all-in" for a while and then my pendulum swings back towards the middle.

    I would've completely forgotten about the kilt pin! I'm happy you made that note as I'd hate to lose mine -- it was a gift from a good friend.


  14. #8
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    If you told us I missed it. What weight was the fabric of your kilt (I'm assuming it was wool)?

  15. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liam View Post
    I have tried the trick of rotating my kilt so the buckles were front and back and sailed right through. Not sure why this works but it does.
    The old fashioned metal detectors only "see" in a narrow plane, so when they are side by side it sees both, but when fore and aft it only sees one at a time, so it is effectively less metal.
    Geoff Withnell

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  16. The Following User Says 'Aye' to Geoff Withnell For This Useful Post:

  17. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by slothead View Post
    If you told us I missed it. What weight was the fabric of your kilt (I'm assuming it was wool)?
    I didn't give the material or weight... 12oz Polyviscose (USA Kilts Casual).
    Sláinte from Texas,
    - Minus
    Man ˇ Motorcycle Enthusiast ˇ Musician

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