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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tpa View Post
    Well done, best wishes for your visit. The dates may also be relevant to proposed activities.
    We'll be travelling during the last week of September / first week of October 2016.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
    Member Order of the Dandelion
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Denholm is only five miles from my home here in Hawick.
    Let me know when you will be here and I will see if it will be possible to arrange some sightseeing for you.
    If you want some do-it-yourself sightseeing you should be able to borrow the keys of Fatlips Castle from Oliver's Garage adjacent to Denholm Village Green. I believe there is a £10 deposit of which you get £5 back when you return the key and the other £5 goes towards the upkeep of the castle. You need to be reasonably fit as although the castle is not far from the road, the approach to it is a fairly steep and rough path through woodland.
    Fatlip's Castle sounds very interesting. We'll definitely have to check into that one! We'll be in Denholm the end of the first week in October.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameronCat View Post
    As you should be. I hope it will be one of many for you but you'll always remember the first one.

    It looks as if you're setting your own routes and itinerary rather than using a package or bus tour. Good on ya! but plan carefully because there is SO much to see.

    One tip we've learned the hard way from our visits: Do not overschedule! Allow time for the pleasant surprise and the sense of wonder. You'll gain way-more "essence of Scotland" by stopping for morning tea in some small village than by galloping from one touristy-place to the next.

    Also, with a two week trip you should plan a day off, roughly in the middle. Just stay wherever you are for the extra day. Walk the town. Take a bus ride to the end of the line and back. Do your laundry. Buy some food and go for a picnic. Relax, read, chat with the neighbors. Visit the small library or museum. Go to the local for dinner and a pint.
    It'll help break the "gotta' see this and that and those" mentality that sets in while touring. It definitely is NOT a wasted day and you'll get a chance to make some new friends.

    Another tip: Whatever camera(s) you're taking, learn them now and become reasonably adept at handling them. When traveling, keep 'em around your neck and available on the instant...you'll be amazed at what you see and a quick shot from the car can save it for you. And with today's photo editors, most common errors can be easily corrected. Pixels are cheap; get the photo now and fix it later.

    Keep an open mind, an easy-going attitude and have a great time.
    (Naturally, a full report will be expected here on your return.)

    All great advice. We do plan to not have to rush between touristy stops and get to enjoy the local life along the way. That was one aspect of my wife and my trip last year to Ireland. While we definitely did see a lot we also took the time to have tea, eat in the pub, chat with the locals, etc. As you said about the camera, my motto is that USB cards are cheap, take lots of photos and sort them out when you get home. You never know what you'll get a shot of by chance that will be the perfect memory of your trip.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by neloon View Post
    You may not have enough time this trip but, next time, do consider the Northeast
    We're staying a night in Inverness and then travelling to Edinburgh, hopefully along the coastal route as time allows. We'd love to get up to Tom O'Groats and the northern islands, but alas that will have to wait until our next trip.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeumasA View Post
    Enjoy the trip. We spent a week for our wedding anniversary a few years ago and had the time of our lives. We started talking about going back almost as soon as we got home.
    Other than Castle Tioram--see my avatar, on the coast west of Fort William; really out of the way unless you have a special reason for visiting--my favorite stop was Culloden. We went in November and walking the moor in the wind and rain was definitely a sobering experience.
    We'll be in Fort William, and plan to do some hiking at Ben Nevis, not sure if we'll make it to the west coast there as we'll just be coming up from Islay. I'll definitely keep the castle in mind though. We too are looking forward to getting out and hiking in the moors. Since we are backpackers and some of us former military we're used to inclimate weather, but are hoping for generally nice weather in the late September / early October time frame that we'll be there.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    What dates will you be at Fort William and Inverness, Standard? I'm sure Jock Scot and I would love to see you if your travels match our at-homes.
    Not sure the exact date, we'll be in Scotland the last week of September / first week of October.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  8. #17
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    Let us know when your plans firm up. I think I'm in Switzerland at the end of September, but if not I would love to meet up with you at Inverness.


  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    What dates will you be at Fort William and Inverness, Standard? I'm sure Jock Scot and I would love to see you if your travels match our at-homes.
    Yes absolutely! I have have to say though that my life is rather fluid and rather testing at the moment and I cannot commit to anything at this time, but should I be in the Highlands, I would be especially delighted to meet with you. Please keep me up to date with your arrangements and I will see what I can do.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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