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  1. #11
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    23rd January 04
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    If you were down in Philadelphia, I could give you three HUGE sources for OUTSTANDING wool kilt material.

    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.

    There's also a company with about 6 locations throughout the city, that actually brings-in the fabric and sells to the shops on Fabric Row. It's the GREATEST source for fabric at unreal prices. The only problem is that they turn-over their stock regularly, and you have to check them out constantly to get lucky. They always have tartans and solids in all sorts of materials, weights and amounts.

    I'm just REAL lucky to live here and have such wonderful sources.
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  2. #12
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    If you were down in Philadelphia, I could give you three HUGE sources for OUTSTANDING wool kilt material.

    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.

    There's also a company with about 6 locations throughout the city, that actually brings-in the fabric and sells to the shops on Fabric Row. It's the GREATEST source for fabric at unreal prices. The only problem is that they turn-over their stock regularly, and you have to check them out constantly to get lucky. They always have tartans and solids in all sorts of materials, weights and amounts.

    I'm just REAL lucky to live here and have such wonderful sources.
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  3. #13
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    If you were down in Philadelphia, I could give you three HUGE sources for OUTSTANDING wool kilt material.

    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.

    There's also a company with about 6 locations throughout the city, that actually brings-in the fabric and sells to the shops on Fabric Row. It's the GREATEST source for fabric at unreal prices. The only problem is that they turn-over their stock regularly, and you have to check them out constantly to get lucky. They always have tartans and solids in all sorts of materials, weights and amounts.

    I'm just REAL lucky to live here and have such wonderful sources.
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  4. #14
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    Finger Lakes, New York
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Carbomb
    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.
    Well, I'm not in South Philly, so could I ask for a little more help?

    Is Fabric Row a single street? Can you name some of the shops there? Can you recommend any one or two as being better for getting heavy wool?

    When you say the pricing is "outrageous," do you mean outrageously good, or outrageously bad?

    Thanks for the tip.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Carbomb
    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.
    Well, I'm not in South Philly, so could I ask for a little more help?

    Is Fabric Row a single street? Can you name some of the shops there? Can you recommend any one or two as being better for getting heavy wool?

    When you say the pricing is "outrageous," do you mean outrageously good, or outrageously bad?

    Thanks for the tip.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Carbomb
    We have an area in south Philly known as Fabric Row, that is a street with upholsters, fabric shops, and wholesalers. It's not that thin stuff that you normally see in fabric stores, and the pricing is outrageous.
    Well, I'm not in South Philly, so could I ask for a little more help?

    Is Fabric Row a single street? Can you name some of the shops there? Can you recommend any one or two as being better for getting heavy wool?

    When you say the pricing is "outrageous," do you mean outrageously good, or outrageously bad?

    Thanks for the tip.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by awoodfellow
    and just a heads up ,, the banksville folks require a membership (though refundable) fee in order to receive swatches.
    Most of the places I purchase fabric from for work also require a swatch fee, that is applied to your first order. Knowing what fiber, weave, color and weight of fabric (wool, gaberdine, black, 16 oz.) your looking for can save you this fee, as they can say whether or not they can supply it. Once a purchase is made most places will send you more swatchs then you'll ever need.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by awoodfellow
    and just a heads up ,, the banksville folks require a membership (though refundable) fee in order to receive swatches.
    Most of the places I purchase fabric from for work also require a swatch fee, that is applied to your first order. Knowing what fiber, weave, color and weight of fabric (wool, gaberdine, black, 16 oz.) your looking for can save you this fee, as they can say whether or not they can supply it. Once a purchase is made most places will send you more swatchs then you'll ever need.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by awoodfellow
    and just a heads up ,, the banksville folks require a membership (though refundable) fee in order to receive swatches.
    Most of the places I purchase fabric from for work also require a swatch fee, that is applied to your first order. Knowing what fiber, weave, color and weight of fabric (wool, gaberdine, black, 16 oz.) your looking for can save you this fee, as they can say whether or not they can supply it. Once a purchase is made most places will send you more swatchs then you'll ever need.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    Is Fabric Row a single street?
    It's Fourth Street just south of South Street, for the most part, although there are a few on Fifth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    Can you name some of the shops there? Can you recommend any one or two as being better for getting heavy wool?
    Boy howdy can I?!
    1). Jack B. Fabrics on 4th
    2). Kincus Fabrics on 4th
    3). PA Fabric Outlet on 4th
    4). BEST are the Jomar Shops. TONS of material at VERY LOW prices.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    When you say the pricing is "outrageous," do you mean outrageously good, or outrageously bad?
    JOMAR is VERY low pricing... especially during sales. You can get heavy, beautiful tartan wool for about $3/yard. The others can range from $7 to $20 a yard, depending on whether the owner has had a good day or is fighting with the wife.

    None of them knows the first thing about tartans. Going there and "haggling" will get you the best materials at the best prices.
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

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