Many moons ago the first custom bit of highland kit I ever bought was my brown and
black leather Freelander Sporran. These are made in Norway by David and his friend Sten.
(David was one of the moderators of XMTS back in the day)
Here is a link to my review of it back in 2006
I have had this sporran for almost a decade and worn it so much that I actually had to replace
the leather cords at one point a few years back. Recently I noticed that the horn button on the flap
was beginning to wear out so I contacted them and I was able to order one of their pewter badges as
a replacement. A little fiddling around (and a dab of mink oil) and my sporran was good for the
next decade of heavy use
It is just a great piece and I am so pleased I saved up for it all those years ago.
For those of you that are new to XMTS and wearing the kilt, take it from me, saving your pennies
and waiting to get the "good stuff" really pays off
Here is the before and after photos
Closeup of the button
Putting on the replacement badge. The pewter Midgaardsorm (Jörmungandr/ "Midgard Wyrm") badge and horn buttons usually need different holes (one set being horizontal and the other vertical) but I figured out a way to add the badge without having to poke new holes in the flap
Still a fine looking bit of kit
Thanks David and Sten !