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  1. #11
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    Picking a Tweed for your Kilt - or for YOU?

    Mazel tov! How lovely for you!

    I am now going to be exceedingly unhelpful. Maybe.

    You say you want a tweed jacket for the day? For the ceremony? Well, either way, I am going to contradict absolutely everyone here, who has given you excellent advice as far as matching a tweed to your kilt goes, & tell you that your instincts for color that goes well with your coloring are right on the money. Whatever you do, do not ever get brown as a neutral. You have strong coloring and should only wear cool neutrals - brown is too warm - unless you get a very dark, "cold" brown (It's hard to explain what I mean. Coffee is a pretty good example of that sort of brown. So is 70% cacao chocolate). The other gentlemen are correct about what looks good in general with kilts, and you won't look badly dressed, and you'll always be able to pair your jacket with other kilts, BUT, if you want with that beautiful dark blue, I think it will look not only very well with both tartans you show, but with go beautifully your coloring.

    I apologize for probably throwing a monkey wrench into an otherwise smooth-sailing thread, but I used to color-match fabric & people as part of my job, & just couldn't let this one go by.

    Again, congratulations on your engagement, and I wish you a long and happy life together.

  2. #12
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    That blue tweed sample looks great -- I like jewel tones -- but to my eye might be a bit bright for a jacket. It's hard to tell without seeing a swatch. Something that's eye-catching is not necessarily what you want for long-term wear.

    But if it makes you and you bride smile, and it flatters you, why not?
    Last edited by Angstrom; 17th November 16 at 10:42 AM.

  3. #13
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    I have swatches of most of the MM tweeds and like the idea of the blue jacket. I wouldn't really call it bright, though it is somewhat lighter than most navy blues. The Flintstone/Petrol and Ocean/Petrol tweeds are both denim blues, with the Ocean/Petrol being the darker of the two. We made this waistcoat from Flintstone/Petrol, so an Ocean/Petrol garment would be a shade darker.

    edit: I noticed that my swatches are labeled "petrel" on the Ocean/Petrel and "petrol" on the Flintstone/Petrol swatch. MM generally lists the names of the primary yarn colors making up the tweed, so I don't know the difference (if there is one) between petrel and petrol. In any case, the colors are what they are as shown in the photos. There is also a tweed that is the next step darker, Midnight/Ocean that is nice. Almost navy, but still showing some tweedy variation in the yarns to keep it from looking boring.
    Last edited by Todd Bradshaw; 17th November 16 at 02:02 PM.

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  5. #14
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    Well ok if you want blue have blue, but before you dash off with your cheque book take a look at Davidpope's first picture in post five. What catches my eye instantly is the chap in the blue jacket, it stands out like a neon light. Is that the effect that you want? You might of course. Also note that the colour of the jacket swamps the tartan (your tartan in fact) of the kilt. The effect that the more traditional thinkers are looking for, is for the tartan kilt to be the centre of attention and everything else comes second in colour choices.So if that is what you are trying to achieve then blue, is best avoided.

    Now you might think, what about loud colours with the hose, shirts and ties then? Well in small doses-----hose and tie--- that's alright as it does not swamp the tartan and adds to a bit of personal flair, but hard solid coloured shirts(white works well though,on occasion) do not help the overall effect in my book.

    Some brown tweeds can be rather dull and drab , I absolutely agree there. However, the "foxy browns" -----almost ginger---- are very effective, even with "green" tartans. This colouring used to be very common in days past, but I don't see that tweed about very often these days. So perhaps the choices are limited to the drab and in my view, rather uninteresting brown hues, which is a shame.

    Something like this and a tad darker. Not my picture.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 18th November 16 at 07:28 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  7. #15
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    So there are lots of variations available in brown, some better than others, but you lump all blue shades into the same boat? That doesn't seem very logical to me, but I suppose it's one of those things like individual taste in music or art, where no amount of internet chatter will ever arrive at the "correct" answer.

  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Bradshaw View Post
    So there are lots of variations available in brown, some better than others, but you lump all blue shades into the same boat? That doesn't seem very logical to me, but I suppose it's one of those things like individual taste in music or art, where no amount of internet chatter will ever arrive at the "correct" answer.
    Well you are not wrong, I do lump all blues together as far as tweed kilt jackets are concerned. In three score years and ten---plus a tad, I have yet to see a blue tweed kilt day jacket that I like, or works well with the kilt. Show me one that I like and works with the kilt then I shall be delighted to say so.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 18th November 16 at 10:37 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  9. #17
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    Personally, I rather like my blue kilt jacket. Whether or not someone else likes it really doesn't matter to me, as their opinion is no more valid than my own, no matter how old they are. It's a personal taste/like/dislike sort of thing and as far as I know there are no "official" rules. A trip to your nearest highland games, and all the truly awful outfits you will be confronted with there, will quickly confirm the fact.

    On the other hand, I detest argyll hose and find them absolutely hideous. Talk about clothing that detracts from the beauty of the kilt and tartan rather than complimenting it ........... But I understand that it is my personal taste and see no reason to try to apply my limitations to others.

    If the OP does decide to go with brown, Marton Mills makes some fantastic brown tweeds that should also make a beautiful jacket.

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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Bradshaw View Post
    Personally, I rather like my blue kilt jacket. Whether or not someone else likes it really doesn't matter to me, as their opinion is no more valid than my own, no matter how old they are. It's a personal taste/like/dislike sort of thing and as far as I know there are no "official" rules. A trip to your nearest highland games, and all the truly awful outfits you will be confronted with there, will quickly confirm the fact.

    On the other hand, I detest argyll hose and find them absolutely hideous. Talk about clothing that detracts from the beauty of the kilt and tartan rather than complimenting it ........... But I understand that it is my personal taste and see no reason to try to apply my limitations to others.

    If the OP does decide to go with brown, Marton Mills makes some fantastic brown tweeds that should also make a beautiful jacket.

    Exactly so, personal choice is of course a privilege for us all in a free world. However, advice was asked for from anyone and everyone and consequently advice has been given by me and my reasons for saying what I have, based on not a little experience, what the OP chooses to do with it is entirely his choice.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 18th November 16 at 12:34 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  13. #19
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    I am no fan of the paler blues but in this photo Prince Charles is wearing what appears to be dark a blue jacket, which looks fine to me (click to enlarge).


    This is Ocean & Petrel Blue as shown on the Marton Mills website (also click to enlarge):


    It is much darker than the colours shown in Todd Bradshaw's posts above.


    If the actual colour is as dark as depicted it is quite a subdued and, I think, should be quite suitable.

    Edit: There is also a photo here of Prince Andrew in a dark blue jacket with a largely blue kilt:
    Last edited by Bruce Scott; 19th November 16 at 12:06 AM.

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  15. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Scott View Post
    I am no fan of the paler blues but in this photo Prince Charles appears to be wearing dark a blue jacket, which looks fine to me (click to enlarge).

    That is a Charcoal Grey tweed HRH is wearing here not blue. Having said that charcoal works wonderfully for most situations. If you look at the 1 kilt 10 looks thread you will see I used my Charcoal tweed for 3 of the looks, more than any other jacket I had at the time.


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