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  1. #11
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    It happens sometimes and I am aware of a very few examples where tie colours from various establishments are the same or very similar, although names of specific examples escape me for the moment. The Army Benevolent Fund(ABF) tie is a good and safe choice that many kilt wearing chaps make on xmarks.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 27th March 17 at 09:38 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  3. #12
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    I often wear the Yeoman Class association tie which is based on the international code flag for "Y". http://www.yeomankinsman.org.uk/gall...nals_2014.shtm

    I often get get accused of wearing the Marylebone Cricket Club's famous tie.

    Tie's can have more than one meaning unless there is a definate badge or emblem on it...
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  5. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilHunter View Post
    The reason I had asked was indeed because I was thinking of just getting a repp tie in red and black since San Diego state university doesn't sell any kind of tie beyond a polyester one plastered with the Aztec spear logo.

    My concern was just that someone might mistake the tie for the one in those colors that is actually associated with a regiment. But I think the other comment about pointing out that they are school colors makes sense. In San Diego, everyone will recognize sdsu's colors anyway.
    And in San Diego, people might assume you're wearing the school colors even if it WERE a regimental tie!
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  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katia View Post
    And in San Diego, people might assume you're wearing the school colors even if it WERE a regimental tie!
    I might go one farther along those lines, I'd guess the vast number of American sheeple aren't even aware of what a regimental tie is, so wear what you like so long as it doesn't have a badge or insignia on it.
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  7. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrainReaper View Post
    I might go one farther along those lines, I'd guess the vast number of American sheeple aren't even aware of what a regimental tie is, so wear what you like so long as it doesn't have a badge or insignia on it.
    Continuing on the "education" theme for those that may be interested. In the UK and to an extent in the Commonwealth too, these ties are not just limited to the military, or retired military, oh dear me no! There are Old school ties(not the same as school ties), University, College and Club ties as well. If you happen to be conversant with some of them----- some even recognize most of them----- then it does give us a clue of a person's background. Which is why many in the UK at least frown upon those that wear ties that they have not earned. So those of you outwith the UK please do not take these ties as just a fashion statement, because some do care-----some care a lot----- as they have earned the right to wear these ties with pride, be that academic, Military, or some august Club.

    There are exceptions such as the ABF and Help For Heroes(H4H) ties,(these two ties in particular, do carry kudos) which anyone can buy to show support for and contribute to, the coffers of first rate charities.

    Just saying.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 28th March 17 at 07:07 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  9. #16
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    I have a similar issue, as I'm sure most graduates of American universities do. We have school colours but no official striped tie pattern. As my school colours are maroon and white (Texas A&M University), I have no idea if there is a regimental tie out there that I might be treading on. So if I wear a maroon and white striped tie, I wear it with an ATM logo tie tack. If you can find a tie tack with your school's logo on it, that goes a long way in avoiding confusion.

  10. #17
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    What I don't understand is this idea that you not wear a regimental tie because it does not "go" with your tartan or match or whatever. It matters not if it is a tie that you are entitled to wear. I say this as the question was posted in the Traditional Kilt Wear section. My school does not have a recognized tie, my answer to the regimental tie issue was to go out and purchase an Army Benevolent Fund tie. The best thing about this solution is that you've also supported a great cause.

    My point is either it is a regimental tie or it isn't if it's simply a tie in the colours of your school it's not a regimental tie and anyone should be able to wear it, you can find a bunch of ties out there in the style you are looking for on ebay and other places like your local thrift shop. A couple of years ago I found a nice blue and claret striped tie in a thrift shop I purchased it for $2.00, upon coming home I did some research as I thought it might be a regimental tie, I found out it is a Royal Artillery regimental tie. Personally I will not wear and want to give it to someone who deserves it, someone who earned the right to wear it, when I find that person I will give him the tie.

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  12. #18
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    Just love the RA zig zag tie, I just wish I was able to wear it!
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  14. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Just love the RA zig zag tie, I just wish I was able to wear it!
    If you know someone who is Jock I will send it to you and you can pass it on.

  15. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    If you know someone who is Jock I will send it to you and you can pass it on.
    I know many gunners Glen and thank you for the offer, but I have a feeling that there is a RA man who is a member here and I think lives in Canada that might be able to help you out.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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