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Thread: New Jones

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by javankrona View Post
    So what I'm seeing is the keeping the full sett in the vertical, and losing the wide light brown along the horizontal looks terrific ... and how did you know to request that? And I must say, I'm really loving that design.
    Surely, you've noticed Rich's great kilt collection. (I believe he is channeling Hamish) I think Rich knows he can get in touch with and discuss every detail of pleating with the fine folks at USA kilts. Any of us can and should. That is one of the perks I feel I've earned from being an XMarks member. Education leads to higher levels of quality.

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  3. #12
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    On our 5 yard kilts, we don't typically give pleating options. As there's a finite amount of cloth, we pleat it "the best way we can" with the length of cloth & measurements given (which is what happened in this case). Making a 5 yard kilt, in some respects, takes a much more 'artistic eye', because we're making up a new pattern within the existing pattern.

    If you're looking for an 8 yard kilt, you can request that it be pleated to sett or stripe and we can accommodate.
    Last edited by RockyR; 7th April 17 at 03:54 AM.

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  5. #13
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    Since this was a special kilt with a special fabric, it was all on the artistic prowess of the artisans at USAkilts. The whole crew at USAk is wonderful to work with, during this process I spoke with Erik and Lucas for various inquiries. I truly hope to some day visit them. I have to say the "Weathered Brown" hose I purchased are absolutely beautiful. Very rich and colorful and look great with the Wildcat tartan.
    Last edited by Richrail; 7th April 17 at 07:23 AM.
    "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.' Benjamin Franklin

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  7. #14
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    The kilt looks just great. I may be biased but I do love seeing new Scottish Wildcat kilts. Congratulations and welcome to the club.

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