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  1. #7
    Join Date
    8th September 16
    Sunshine State, Florida
    2 Post(s)
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    Thank everybody for there input, and I will not be over doing anything. I believe that when a kilt is worn, certain accessories, i.e. the sporran, a proper shirt (in this case a polo or button down shirt) and a cover, I prefer the Balmoral, as its a long tradition in Coast Guard for flat caps, with proper hose and shoes are necessary. All the other knives, pouches, medals, dirks, flashes, Sword vests, moccasins, etc. not necessary, and to me gaudy, look more like you are going to a Renaissance Fair.

    All I wanted to know was alternative to hiking shoes, Scottish shoes, and combat or jump boots, of which I am not comfortable wearing, so I will stay with my plain old Rockport Black tie up oxfords. I will polish them though. One question, would wearing cream color hose be out of line or would navy blue hose be better, again I hear two stories about cream color hose, and it seems to be more acceptable in the US and Canada than Scotland. While we are on that, would flashes be appropriate to wear with hose?

    One thing I do appreciate from each of you, is the input, view and opinions of people who have been sporting the kilt longer than I have. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to advise me the proper and "classy" way to represent our Scottish Heritage and as a veteran of the US Coast Guard.....Regards all...
    Last edited by CollinMacD; 14th September 17 at 07:01 AM.
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.


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