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  1. #11
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    I think your rockport oxfords polished up would be fine along with the navy hose. Just a comment regarding a SportKilt. It is by design a casual garment (I have 2), and from a distance can pass muster, however the pleats are not crisp, so I like your choice of a polo shirt to go along with it, rather than trying to dress it up too much.
    "Good judgement comes from experience, and experience
    well, that comes from poor judgement."
    A. A. Milne

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wareyin View Post
    I don't think there is an issue with cream color hose. Rather, most of the complaints I see are for white hose. You haven't said what color your polo is (or I missed it), but I would try to match the shirt with the hose. They don't have to be the same color, just be able to work together. I assume (I'm color blind) that the Coast Guard tartan has Navy Blue as a dominant color? If so, I would not wear navy blue hose with it. I would either wear hose that work with one of the smaller stripes, whatever those colors are, or I would wear something that wasn't in the tartan at all, again provided it works with the shirt.

    Others prefer to match hose and kilt, which is fine for them.

    Edited to add: Flashes would certainly be appropriate to wear, but are not a requirement. It is up to you. I personally wear them every time, but others never do.

    Here you got, actually Red...

    Either a black, Navy Blue, Red or white polo.... I do try to KISS.... having a choice of several polos.

    Here is the significance of the USCG Tartan

    The design of the United States Coast Guard Tartan was inspired by the family Tartan of Alexander Hamilton, the founder of the Revenue-Marine, and the 'father' of the modern day U.S. Coast Guard. Each color of the Tartan signifies the following:

    Red: Symbolizes the courage and sacrifice of the men and women of the Coast Guard and its predecessor services, and their families, in war and peace for more than 200 years.

    White: There are 10 threads of white representative of the original 10 Revenue Cutters commissioned by Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton in 1790. They were: the Massachusetts, Scammel, Active, Eagle, Diligence, Argus, Vigilant, Virginia, South Carolina and General Greene.

    Blue: Symbolizes the seas and skies plied by cutters and aircraft of the Coast Guard as they carry out their missions to serve and protect.

    The ironic thing is the USCG Racing stripe is Blue, White and International Orange, not Red....
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liam View Post
    I think your rockport oxfords polished up would be fine along with the navy hose. Just a comment regarding a SportKilt. It is by design a casual garment (I have 2), and from a distance can pass muster, however the pleats are not crisp, so I like your choice of a polo shirt to go along with it, rather than trying to dress it up too much.
    Totally agree, going with polo, that is why I asked the shoe to wear. I see so many wear the clunky high top hiking sneakers, and to me they don't look like they go. I want to make sure I keep this respective and have dignity. Just come from that old school. Thank you,
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by CollinMacD View Post
    Totally agree, going with polo, that is why I asked the shoe to wear. I see so many wear the clunky high top hiking sneakers, and to me they don't look like they go. I want to make sure I keep this respective and have dignity. Just come from that old school. Thank you,
    I'll probably be the lone dissenter here, but I personally don't think polo shirts and kilts work well together. I know it's a popular combination here in the USA, but it's not a traditional Scottish look. And this is where it gets a little convoluted, I suppose. If you want to stick with a more old-school kilted look, wear a button-up collared shirt and stick with your black shoes. But if you're going to wear a more modern look, and an Americanized look at that, then go with the polo shirt and don't worry about the shoe choice. Highly polished black Oxfords would look a bit strange to me when worn with a sport kilt and polo shirt, which are both casual styles. Not "wrong" necessarily, but a dichotomy in level of dress. Assuming we're talking about the same polished Oxfords one usually sees with military uniforms.

    I'll also dissent by saying you're probably way over-thinking the colour choices. Everyone goes through that, to some degree, when they are relatively new at kilt-wearing. But you needn't spend so much time agonising over matchy-matchy colour schemes or thinking about the lofty significance of colours. Trying to coordinate shirt colours with kilt hose colours comes across as very generic-looking and unimaginative, as does trying to coordinate hose colour to minor tartan stripes and all that.

    Your USCG tartan only has three colours. It would be fairly limiting trying to stick with those three in all your other accoutrements. Don't be afraid to wear brown hose with that kilt, or green hose, or mustard hose. They will be fine.

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  6. #15
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    Don't really see the issue with cream hose, I have a pair and use them from time to time. The conversation is usually framed around rentals always including them but to those into kilts it should be obvious the kilt isn't a rental, to those who aren't it looks normal. For me its a matter of finding a clean matching pair which I wear as half of them really seem to disappear after cleaning.

  7. #16
    Benning Boy is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    ^First off I'm a combat veteran myself but it is not at the core of my identity. I meet so many vet's at the VA hospital who it seems would not have any identity at all, except for embracing their combat service in a bear hug. Without it they are nobody. Usually it is the vet's of our era, the Viet Nam vet's, who are the worst about it. The younger guys don't need that sort of hang up adding to their difficulties, and the few really old timers still able to walk around the complex ansolutely dont give a damn about any of it. So brother, what would you do if you were not a combat veteran? That's probably the right thing to do.

    The Sportkilt is simply cheap in every meaning of that word. It is an E1's kilt. Yes, I have a Sportkilt, but I wouldn't be caught dead in it outside the yard, unless I had to chase my little escape happy dog down. So don't get too hung up on how to properly wear anything else with it as you're building your house on the sand.

    I've almost eliminated polo shirts from my closets. Pilot shirts predominate and look much better with everything from jeans to kilts. You probably never will find a pilot shirt with Coast Guard emblem, so maybe a polo is best for you. I don't have big issues with flat caps and think them OK to wear when dressing down. A high quality Mackie Balmoral atop your other choices to me is quite uncouth, but to each his own. A bonnet does give one a place to pin a badge. Don't tell on me, but I almost always only wear my Balmoral when with my wife as she bought me an Army badge for it. Otherwise I find little occasion for it. I'm for the first time in my life letting my hair grow enough for a pony tail. Right now it's long enough to be a nuisance but too short for a pony tail. A bonnet occasionally worn helps keep in under control. If I were in your shiney black shoes I'd go bareheaded or with a flat cap. When was the last time you saw a photo of HRH Chuck wearing a bonnet at any Highland function? He makes all the guys here swoon.
    Last edited by Benning Boy; 14th September 17 at 09:41 PM.

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  9. #17
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    All of you bring up very good points, thank you. I like the idea of using a pilot or bush shirt, I do have a couple of those. I do agree also with the shoes with polo shirt, might be to much. I very much agree when I put on a kilt, regardless of the cost or being a sport or formal, it is quickly identified as Scottish, not American. That being said, at least for me, I am wearing my heritage, as ALL my family is Scottish.

    Combat Veteran, non-combat veteran, really does not matter to me, we all were in the service for our country, took an oath, discharge honorably upon completion of our contract, and this results in my pride of not only serving in the military, but my dedicating my entire life as a protector of our great nation, working for an intelligent agency, and now CBP, that is all that does matters to me. When in the service of your country, if you did not give your life, you could have. However, I am very proud of serving six years in the Coast Guard and in year will retire with 40 years Federal Service.

    I come here to solicited ideas, get opinions, take what you provide, think and mull it over, and do what I think is right for me and the event I am going to. All your opinions are so important.

    With regard to Charles, not my HRH, I am an American. Respect the tradition of the British Monarchy, (sure my Jacobite ancestors are turning in their graves), but don't care for Charles as a person, (lived in Oxford for 4 years, learned more than I wanted too about him and his ways, not what I consider a nice person), and to me could care less if he wore a bowler with his kilt, don't really care. For the record, have all the respect in the world for Queen Elizabeth.

    So, I am not sure how many of you actually go to Scottish games in the US, but at the games it is a grab bag of mixtures of all sorts of Scottish and American clothing combined. Some with taste some, well not exactly what I would consider classy..... Takes all kinds, and that is why I come here, as if you are going to do something do it right....

    I was hoping somebody who belongs to SAMS would have responded to my post, as I know they too have had issues of what is proper and not when wearing military related items and designations etc....

    Once again thanks for all those who provided me their opinions and guidance, I just hope this post helps others who probably are as confused as I am on walking the line wearing military colors...Regards,
    Last edited by CollinMacD; 15th September 17 at 06:41 AM.
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  10. #18
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    SAMS Dresscode

    The SAMS dress code is here: http://www.s-a-m-s.org/Forms/SAMSDRE...017(Final).pdf

    Note that this is intended to apply when representing SAMS.

    The specific paragraph on footwear is:

    4. FOOTGEAR: Hose of the appropriate color, pattern and material should be worn befitting the formality of the
    occasion. Skean dhu and flashes are encouraged. Plain brown or black leather shoes for day or field wear and black
    patent leather shoes with or without a silver buckle are recommended for dress as are the traditional Ghillies. Such
    footgear as sneakers, sandals, running shoes and jungle or combat boots are not authorized wear except for valid
    medical reasons.
    Geoff Withnell

    "My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
    No longer subject to reveille US Marine.

  11. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    Fight the urge.
    First, thanks for being willing to serve. An honorable and necessary branch of our nation's defense; often dangerous and thankless work.

    Second. What David said. Also Benning Boy. If you are competing in the games, a SportKilt is appropriate and aptly named. If not
    competing, please consider a higher quality garment. I know this is America, and you can paint yourself blue and go in a Braveheart costume,
    or some similar garb. Please don't. Reading your posts, it is evident you are serious, and wanting to honor your branch. Wonderful. Wait
    until you have a kilt that says what you mean. Until then, wear your family, district, or universal tartan you can get now. If cost is an
    issue, Rocky's semi traditional is affordable and will consistently get good comments when worn as you describe. If you are having trouble
    finding wool in Coast Guard, check with Alexis Malcolm. Military tartans are a specialty there. My thoughts only, and most here who know
    me will tell you I am about as casual as they come. I just think you'll be much happier waiting for quality for the use you describe.

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  13. #20
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    Thank you so much for the reference....good info.
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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