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  1. #31
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    [/QUOTE]The Mustard Hose are a great combination with your tartan!


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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Searl View Post
    Terry, keen eyesight, yup. Although, your wee dram was the last noticed. We ('She' was with me), were admiring the cabinet, contents, & the photos. We've been able to save some of our previous generations items from being sent to the tip. Nothing of monetary value, just sentimental value. Sadly, my limited Scotch tasting left me with an issue. A bottle of 16 year Lagavulin, isn't something I can afford to purchase with regularity.

    To keep us on topic...sporran has been shipped.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

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  5. #33
    Terry Searl is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    wet with anticipation

    Quote Originally Posted by Baeau View Post
    Terry, keen eyesight, yup. Although, your wee dram was the last noticed. We ('She' was with me), were admiring the cabinet, contents, & the photos. We've been able to save some of our previous generations items from being sent to the tip. Nothing of monetary value, just sentimental value. Sadly, my limited Scotch tasting left me with an issue. A bottle of 16 year Lagavulin, isn't something I can afford to purchase with regularity.

    To keep us on topic...sporran has been shipped.
    I'm sure you are wet with anticipation of the sporran's appearance....that's the way I was when this kilted addiction first took hold of me.
    After the three main items are had, Kilt, Jacket & waistcoat, and Sporran, it becomes a bit less costly, at each next purchase ......Good quality hose, (House of Cheviot are my favourite) in a number of different colours,, (I have 6) allows you to really mix up the first three items when putting on your attire.......
    It is sad that to acquire the "treasures " of the auld ones, they have to have no further need of them. The whole wall in that room is covered with their photos, it's why we refer to it as the "family room"
    As for the Uisge Beatha I've been supping them for almost 60 years and the Lagavulin 16 is still my favourite .I have 25 different single malts in my whisky cupboard most for tasting ....there is still a number of lesser blended whiskies for drinking after the tasting is done. Tasting and drinking are two entirely different endeavours, heh! heh!....Good luck with the Sporran, I'm sure it will give you much pleasure 207 part of Photo wall gramma Kelly's portrait on the family wall.jpg

  6. #34
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    Anticipation, yes. Once it, & a couple other items arrive, I’ll be able to take my place in public. Probably, with some odd looks. And, I can never wear it around my father-in-law.
    My kilted interest has been there since I was 11. I read about someone from Scotland, driving a French car, winning some international racing championship. That was Sir Jackie Stewart, driving a Matra MS80 (my mind is a vast warehouse of worthless trivia), in the Formula One Championship. Not long after, I learned from my Grandmother, that her family originated in Scotland. Being inquisitive, I read & soaked it in like a sponge. Trivia ends.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

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  8. #35
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    Sounds like the first episode of the Prisoner. Anyway, I found my eBay purchase waiting for me at the front door. It looks good, smells like leather, feels like leather. Al things considered, a great deal at $19.95, including shipping. I'm wondering it's age. Perhaps OC Richard can look over the photos, & give me his opinion (or anyone else).
    Add in for Richard, Yorick has been done about 30x. Amazing what I've figured out, so far. Thanks.
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

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