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  1. #1
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    Brass cantle for formal sporran?

    I don’t see it very often but occasionally I see fur sporrans for sale with brass cantled. Some are vintage so it doesn’t seem to be a new development.

    How do folks feel about brass as a substitute for white metal in a dress sporran? Certainly I wouldn’t see it as equivalent to real silver but brass doesn’t seem any more “cheap” than chrome or other “fake” silver metals to me.
    Descendant of the Gillises and MacDonalds of North Morar.

  2. #2
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    During my sporran searching, I saw some (older) with brass cantles. If the brass wasn’t polished & the fur was the correct shade, I thought they looked good. The highly polished brass, against some furs.....looked cheap. Then again, ask anyone I’m related to & they’ll tell you what my opinion means. I’m curious, was brass ever used in days gone by?
    "I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"

  3. #3
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    I think that the MOD Cantles were brass, and they look quite good. I personally prefer a brass cantle to a cheap looking Pakistani Chrome one!

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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wareyin View Post
    I think that the MOD Cantles were brass, and they look quite good. I personally prefer a brass cantle to a cheap looking Pakistani Chrome one!
    I have been looking for surplus MOD cantles for several years and they do not seem to be available. I would like to make an antique sporran using one but I believe I have have to give up/

  6. #5
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    Perhaps define first what you mean by 'dress' and 'formal'?

  7. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to figheadair For This Useful Post:

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    Perhaps define first what you mean by 'dress' and 'formal'?
    Quite simply; the fur fronted, metal cantled sporrans typically worn with black tie.

    I often see them marketed as dress sporrans or formal sporrans but except for pipe bad style sporrans, I don’t see brass cantled examples very often but I do occasionally see them on used or vintage fur fronted seal skin sporrans.

    So basically I’m asking after a sporran similar to he photo but with a brass cantle rather than “silver”. Would that be considered appropriate for black tie or would it be violating one of those unwritten sartorial rules we Americans have so much trouble with?

    I recall an older thread about brass buttons and one of the Scots said something about looking like a footman.
    Last edited by FossilHunter; 3rd March 18 at 02:33 PM.
    Descendant of the Gillises and MacDonalds of North Morar.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilHunter View Post
    Quite simply; the fur fronted, metal cantled sporrans typically worn with black tie.

    I often see them marketed as dress sporrans or formal sporrans but except for pipe bad style sporrans, I don’t see brass cantled examples very often but I do occasionally see them on used or vintage fur fronted seal skin sporrans.

    So basically I’m asking after a sporran similar to he photo but with a brass cantle rather than “silver”. Would that be considered appropriate for black tie or would it be violating one of those unwritten sartorial rules we Americans have so much trouble with?

    I recall an older thread about brass buttons and one of the Scots said something about looking like a footman.
    Ah, those things. Not my cup of tea at all. Might be different if it was a bespoke one but these mass produced sporrans, oftenith the obligatory Celtic knot-work are definitely not to my taste. From that you may conclude that I don't own one, never have, never will. Look for something you like and then wear it for that reason alone and because you can. Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.

    Generally I wear the same brass cantled sporran for most occasions, it has a plain bag. Very, very occasionally I will wear my mid-18th century bronze cantled sporran, again with a plain (the original) bag. And for really dressy I have a silver cantled horse hair sporran with the Clan Donald crest engraved on it.

    As for brass buttons, just look at a lot of the Highland Revival coats - brass ball buttons were the height of fashion c1800-1825.

  10. #8
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    Here's perhaps what you have in mind. Love this c1900 sporran, if only.............


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  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    Perhaps define first what you mean by 'dress' and 'formal'?
    Here lies the source of many trans-Atlantic misunderstandings on this website.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    Here's perhaps what you have in mind. Love this c1900 sporran, if only.............

    Yes in fact. I am looking at one much like that. Used.

    I assume that was considered appropriate for formal occasions in the past. Would it raise too many eyebrows today, besides perhaps being old fashioned?
    Descendant of the Gillises and MacDonalds of North Morar.

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