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  1. #1
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    Need Recommendations for Self-Tie Flashes

    I've done all my kilt shopping at USA Kilts since finding they're local. But outside of that and Stumptown, I really don't know what's out there. I have some flashes I've been wearing for the last weak or two, but the fabric is fraying a bit, and they'll start looking a bit ratty soon if they don't already. I'd like to get a few self-tie flashes, but I don't know at all what brands might hold up well, nor do I really know where to get them. It looks like USA Kilts doesn't carry any, at least not that I've seen on their site.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I love my House of Cheviot. I don't know who-all carry them, but I know that Steve at Freedom Kilts (click the link at the top of the page) does.

    Here's my favourite pair:

    And another with a "turned" photo

    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  4. #3
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    I recently bought two pair of the House of Cheviot (and I now own 5 pair) at this Amazon site, New House Highland:

    House of Cheviot garter ties are the only ones I've ever seen on the market, but that doesn't mean there aren't others elsewhere.

    By the way, I bought purple which doesn't work for me now that I've seen them. If you or anyone wants to buy them at a great price, send me a PM!

  5. The Following User Says 'Aye' to KiltedSergeant For This Useful Post:

  6. #4
    Join Date
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    Oh goody, another chance for me to show off my vast accumulation of totally useless knowledge.

    The term "Flashes" is often confused and sometimes used incorrectly. The actual name of the things that go around you leg are garters. Some garters have little ribbons of various color that hang down are are seen peeking out from the bottom of the hose cuff. This ribbon are the "flashes". That little flash of color in the outfit.

    Garters and flashes. These have metal hooks.

    Modern elastic and velcro garters

    Interchangeable color flashes.

    Before elastic, garters were actually ribbon tied around the leg.

    These are usually called Hand-Tied Garters.

    Before that small leather belts with buckles were sometimes used for garters. The Order of the Garter is a leather garter worn around the leg and the belt and buckle surrounding our crest pins are leather garters.

    Fairly recently kiltmakers, wanting to find a use for the small left over pieces of Tartan fabric from the kilt, began to make Tartan flashes.

    This approach to the flashes has led to a lot of confusion.
    In reality today's flashes are just a modern representation of the ends of the older style hand tied garters.
    The flashes are that "little slash of color" to an outfit. There is no requirement to wear a particular color or pattern.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

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  8. #5
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    Several years ago I bought a couple of pairs of "shooting socks," which are the wool socks British sportsmen wear with their "breeks" (Americans would say "knickers," but that has a very different meaning in the UK) when out in the field hunting birds. As kilt hose, they work great, as they are thick, durable, warm, and have nice contrasting color schemes composed of "tweedy" colors.

    With my pair of mossy green hose with a bright red stripe across the top, I got matching green and red garter ties. Once I got the hang of tying them (a simple matter of wrapping back and forth and putting in a basic knot), I found that I much preferred the look and effectiveness of the garter tie over my old elastic and velcro ones with tartan flashes. They work better for holding up my socks and look really cool. They also bob about as I walk, which can add some interest, although if you tie them a little higher up inside the "turnover" of the sock, this can be minimized.

    I pretty much wear them every time I am kilted. Sometime I will order a couple of other colors, but the green with red highlights version I have certainly looks great with pretty much any tartan or hose colors I've seen.


  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jose995 View Post
    I recently bought two pair of the House of Cheviot (and I now own 5 pair) at this Amazon site, New House Highland:

    House of Cheviot garter ties are the only ones I've ever seen on the market, but that doesn't mean there aren't others elsewhere.

    By the way, I bought purple which doesn't work for me now that I've seen them. If you or anyone wants to buy them at a great price, send me a PM!
    You don't need to sell, you need more colors of hose and shirts. I have those in purple, claret, mustard, lovat blue, lovat green, grey,
    and navy. Hose in the same colors excepting navy. I enjoy mixing the pairings of hose and garter ties depending on the kilt, shirt, and
    necktie. I'm never formal enough to "need" garter ties, I like the look with the flash of color. And with kilts, I find color combinations that
    work quite well that I very likely would not consider with Saxon dress. Rarely if ever actually matching, but complementing well with the
    shirt, tie, jacket, or jumper. The kilt, of course, does well on its own.

    BTW, Father Bill, I realize that "covet" has no place in one's lexicon, but it comes close to being correct when I see your mustard/claret ties.
    Maybe the Tartan Museum will have a pair at this year's Stone Mountain Games.
    Last edited by tripleblessed; 18th March 18 at 09:43 AM.

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  11. #7
    Join Date
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    The House of Cheviot are one of the advertisers and supporters of X Marks. You can, if you wish, click on their ad in the lower advertising banner and order direct.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

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  13. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Ashton View Post
    The House of Cheviot are one of the advertisers and supporters of X Marks. You can, if you wish, click on their ad in the lower advertising banner and order direct.
    Will do so from now on. Thanks!

  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jose995 View Post
    Will do so from now on. Thanks!
    One of the things I have liked and admired about Steve over the years I have been enjoying this forum is that he has consistently
    avoided using his position here to drive the business to himself at the expense of his advertisers. Integrity is sadly too rare in today's
    marketplace. That said, I have enjoyed supporting as many of the advertisers as I can afford. I have kilts, sporran, belt, hose and
    or garter ties from Steve, Rocky, Tartan Museum, Matt (Newhouse), and Stillwater. While I do have other hose than House of Cheviot,
    it seems Cheviots are the ones that find their way out of the drawer. Consistently. So, I support them (HoC) with my purchase
    wherever I make it. And save international shipping.

  15. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to tripleblessed For This Useful Post:


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