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Thread: Kilt and Tie

  1. #1
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    Kilt and Tie

    Hello folks,

    I am excited to say that I received one of my kilts over the weekend. I ordered the American Heritage tartan in a Casual Kilt from USA Kilts and have immediately fallen in love with it. This is actually my second kilt ordered, but it got here first (long story short, I decided to get a second one last minute and needed it in time for the Highland games in May so I put a rush on it). My first one is still awaiting cloth shipment from the mill, but that is ok.

    Anyway, I decided that I want to wear my kilt to church on Sunday and discovered that a tie I bough last summer compliments the colors of this kilt perfectly (can you say destiny?)! My question for the group is this: while the colors match almost perfectly, will the line pattern of the tie clash with the tartan pattern of the kilt? I'm blind in the happy coincidence of it all and would value the opinion of you fine folks. Below are two "poses" of the kilt with the tie. I'm thinking a black shirt with ankle high black casual boots and cream hose with navy blue flashes to complete the ensemble.

    Kilt and tie 1.jpg Kilt and tie 2.jpg
    Last edited by The TALL TN Scot; 27th March 18 at 03:55 PM.
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  3. #2
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    Looks good enough to me!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  5. #3
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    Looks good! Go for it.

  6. #4
    Terry Searl is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    fine to me

    Quote Originally Posted by The TALL TN Scot View Post
    Hello folks,

    I am excited to say that I received one of my kilts over the weekend. I ordered the American Heritage tartan in a Casual Kilt from USA Kilts and have immediately fallen in love with it. This is actually my second kilt ordered, but it got here first (long story short, I decided to get a second one last minute and needed it in time for the Highland games in May so I put a rush on it). My first one is still awaiting cloth shipment from the mill, but that is ok.

    Anyway, I decided that I want to wear my kilt to church on Sunday and discovered that a tie I bough last summer compliments the colors of this kilt perfectly (can you say destiny?)! My question for the group is this: while the colors match almost perfectly, will the line pattern of the tie clash with the tartan pattern of the kilt? I'm blind in the happy coincidence of it all and would value the opinion of you fine folks. Below are two "poses" of the kilt with the tie. I'm thinking a black shirt with ankle high black casual boots and cream hose with navy blue flashes to complete the ensemble.

    Kilt and tie 1.jpg Kilt and tie 2.jpg
    I say well done! If worn with a waist coat the kilt and tie are separated enough that there is no thought of clashing or matching, if that is a concern. I never worry about matchy matchy whether some think it is right or wrong, My pleasure comes before all others opinions.

    I'm sure the smile on your face will be the second thing everyone notices ....your kilt being the first thing, and I would like to see a photo of you in your attire, Good on Ya
    Last edited by Terry Searl; 27th March 18 at 04:18 PM.

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  8. #5
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    I like the black shirt. Later you may want to look at a dark grey shirt. Have a good time at church.

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    I like the black shirt. Later you may want to look at a dark grey shirt. Have a good time at church.
    Agreed. One of those times, you cant argue with fate, luck, or whatever.
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  10. #7
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    The tie should be fine. Some here may discourage you from the cream hose. If so black would make a statement with a black shirt.
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  11. #8
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    I believe in the fashion rule that patterns work with patterns, so long as they aren't a similar size. I think they'll be a good combo. I think the black shirt would show it off well, but I'd probably wear my bison kilt hose and tartan red garters if I was picking things out from my collection.

  12. #9
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    I think that tie goes perfect with that kilt. I would think any color shirt would work with the kilt. Cream hose is something that some like and others discourage, yet this will not stand out to anyone who does not wear a kilt. Fashion is a personal thing, go with the colors you like and wear it with confidence.

  13. #10
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    The tie is a perfect match. Any solid-colored shirt will work great to help it "play nice" with the kilt.

    While everybody else loves the black shirt, I'd probably opt for a lighter color myself. But you should work with what you have and what you like. The outfit will look super and you will get lots of compliments.


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