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Thread: Kilt and Tie

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingandrew View Post
    The tie is a perfect match. Any solid-colored shirt will work great to help it "play nice" with the kilt.

    While everybody else loves the black shirt, I'd probably opt for a lighter color myself. But you should work with what you have and what you like. The outfit will look super and you will get lots of compliments.

    Not everyone! Black shirts have a certain unpleasant connection to historical events in Europe in the 1930's and 40's and the sight of them does still raise uneasy memories, for some people. I well remember seeing German and Italian prisoners of war in their assorted uniforms and remember the tears and heartache that the prisoners and their hated uniforms that they were wearing brought to the locals with family members away at war and whilst the world has moved on, it has unfortunately not moved on for us all and in some ways, nor should it.

    Apart from that, whilst black shirts are most certainly a fashion option worn in Scotland today there are those of us that, for whatever reason apart from the above, consider that they are not the best choice for showing the kilt and the wearer off to best advantage.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 29th March 18 at 04:09 AM.
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  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingandrew View Post
    The tie is a perfect match. Any solid-colored shirt will work great to help it "play nice" with the kilt.

    While everybody else loves the black shirt, I'd probably opt for a lighter color myself. But you should work with what you have and what you like. The outfit will look super and you will get lots of compliments.

    Sorry Andrew, the tie may be a perfect match, but, that is not the way Highland attire is generally worn. Highland attire almost studiously avoids matching things, apart from shoes, hose and flashes. A Club, Regimental, Old school, University style tie is often the choice of Highlanders which usually avoids the dreaded matchy matchy situation that you chaps outwith the Highlands seem to endlessly strive for. Many on this website------quite often after more than a few lengthy threads of gentle persuasion--------- have taken to wearing, quite legitimately, the ABF(Army Benevolent Fund)tie and others, that does give a useful splash of colour other than trying to match patterns and colours. I don't think that many who cottoned on to the advice being given, would now go back to matchy matchy.

    Yes, I hear people say, what if my tartan is green, blue and red jut like the ABF tie? Well the colours are different shades and come in a very different pattern so as to stand out and if you wish, choose another tie with other colours. Please do consider the option of non matching of ties , non matching shirts( although, not too loud tattersall patterns are well worth a serious thought for informal wear), non matching(apart from being a pair) hose colours, non matching(apart from being a pair) flash colours and let the kilt and its tartan stand alone. You may find that you are surprised how effective this course of action is. As we in the Highlands discovered years ago!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 29th March 18 at 11:11 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  5. #13
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    Thank you all so much for your advice, pointers, and encouragement. If anyone is interested, I created a new thread talking about my Kilted Weekend and included pictures of how much versatility I discovered a kilt has... each picture has the same kilt with two different themes and it worked beautifully.

    Here's a link to the new thread:

    Never run or do jumping jacks while wearing a heavy sporran
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  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingandrew View Post
    The tie is a perfect match. Any solid-colored shirt will work great to help it "play nice" with the kilt.

    While everybody else loves the black shirt, I'd probably opt for a lighter color myself. But you should work with what you have and what you like. The outfit will look super and you will get lots of compliments.

    As a lighting tech, I'll insert here black is not a color; it is the absence of same. While there are times and uses there, color is usually a
    more relevant and effective tool. Not always, just usually.

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