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Thread: Hose color

  1. #1
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    Hose color

    Alright. For my brothers wedding in September I will be wearing a Sutherland tartan kilt. Wight shirt with a black bow tie and black waistcoat is a afternoon wedding and pretty relaxed so I will be wearing a leather day sporran and dock martins. My question is what color hose to wear. And if I can't get flashes Sutherland
    to match the kilt what color should I get

  2. #2
    PatrickHughes123 is offline Registration terminated at the member's request
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    Well, some people would recommend solid colour hoses. But personally, I would get tartan hose to match your kilt.

    I have a Royal Stewart kilt with Royal Stewart flashes.

  3. #3
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    If it's to be semi-casual, then tartan hose would probably be over-the-top. Were it me wearing a Sutherland Modern kilt, I'd probably go with a lighter shade of blue or green. And perhaps darker flashes in the other color, i.e. navy blue with ancient green or bottle green with lovat blue. Or I might go with a neutral shade like bison or grey, with red flashes to tone with the red stripe of the tartan. I can't really think of any colors that wouldn't go with that particular kilt, but that's just personally what I'd choose....maybe. The longer I think about it, the more other possibilities come to mind. Sorry if that's not much help.

    And, if the tartan flashes didn't come with the kilt, I wouldn't recommend buying them separately. Every mill has its own particular dyes, and the colors can even vary from one lot to another, so the odds of getting a perfect match are rather slim.
    Last edited by Dollander; 13th July 18 at 08:11 PM.

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  5. #4
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    Really any color that will compliment the tartan. I think Dolander gave you some pretty good suggestions. You'd be surprised how many colors will compliment a tartan. I'd go with self tie garters in a solid contrast color or perhaps to match a color in the tartan. I've never been a fan of the tartan pointy flashes. Also, I agree, tartan hose are usually reserved for white tie or very formal black tie occasions. As they say around here, you'll be over egging the cake with tartan hose

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  7. #5
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    You could use any colour from the kilt itself, blue or green would work well, with solid red garter ties rather than flashes, these are more comfortable than flashes in my experience so I never wear the flashes anymore. If it were me though I would get a pair of claret coloured hose with matching garter ties from House of Cheviot, these will last you years and are very comfortable.

    As for tartan hose, they are wonderful to own, I have a couple of pair for a couple of tartans but would not wear them for a wedding unless I was the groom and even then I would have to consider a lot before wearing them.

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  9. #6
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    The two trains of thought on any kilt accessory colors are match and contrast, flashes and Kilt hose are no exception. There are those who would match kilt host to a color in the kilt and those that go for a contrasting color. Some like the tartan flashes while others do not. I don't know if it more regional or simply personal fashion. Personally I normally go for black and charcoal hose as they can go with anything and are the sock colors that I wore with pants before getting a kilt. For flashes I prefer woven ribbons, either solid color or striped, that in my opinion work with the tartan on the kilt.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by elperrogrande View Post
    Alright. For my brothers wedding in September I will be wearing a Sutherland tartan kilt. Wight shirt with a black bow tie and black waistcoat is a afternoon wedding and pretty relaxed so I will be wearing a leather day sporran and dock martins. My question is what color hose to wear. And if I can't get flashes Sutherland
    to match the kilt what color should I get
    Well alright, as you are asking. From a traditional Scot's point of view from Scotland, the matching of things is not an a serious consideration. Tartan flashes are best not worn---ever, nor would we wear a black bow tie during the day---we don't want to look like a waiter or a snooker player, do we? Claret hose and blue flashes might well be worth a thought. Just a further thought for you to also consider, are boots really suitable for weddings? Hope this helps.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 15th July 18 at 02:58 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well alright, as you are asking. From a traditional Scot's point of view from Scotland, the matching of things is not an a serious consideration. Tartan flashes are best not worn---ever, nor would we wear a black bow tie during the day---we don't want to look like a waiter or a snooker player, do we? Claret hose and blue flashes might well be worth a thought. Just a further thought for you to also consider, are boots really suitable for weddings? Hope this helps.
    Never a truer word.........

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  14. #9
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    Well traditional 8 am far from. I am the guy that shows up to the wedding in jeans .I have never worn a suit and I got Maried myself in jeans and a t shirt with black docks on. Mind you I got Maried in Vegas by Elvis and ride I to the desert on a Harley after. This wedding will be pretty laid back and I doubt there will be a whole lot of full suits. A few shirt and ties yes but not a lot of full suits.

  15. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by elperrogrande View Post
    Well traditional 8 am far from. I am the guy that shows up to the wedding in jeans .I have never worn a suit and I got Maried myself in jeans and a t shirt with black docks on. Mind you I got Maried in Vegas by Elvis and ride I to the desert on a Harley after. This wedding will be pretty laid back and I doubt there will be a whole lot of full suits. A few shirt and ties yes but not a lot of full suits.
    In that case I would say don't bother with the black waistcoat and bow tie. Take a look at the 1 kilt 10 looks thread here


    I would also say look for the Traditional Highland Civilian Dress: A Definition and Guide with Visual Examples thread here


    You will see you can dress it down a bit from the black waistcoat and bow tie and still look great, the point of this is thatr you would most likely fit in with the formaility of the other guests.

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