Originally Posted by
It's difficult to tell because of the resolution whether these are pre-Crimean war productions or show the pre-Crimean war uniform but were produced later. Can you confirm?
I'm not familiar with the top image. It has the appearance of a contemporary sketch.
The middle painting looks like the work of Richard Simkin (1850-1926) who painted a vast number of paintings showing historical British military uniforms. You see them on vintage postcards all the time.
Here's his Wiki
So that painting would have been done decades later than the period it depicts. I don't know what sources Simkin used but AFAIK his paintings are considered to be accurate.
The bottom photo is one of the series Crimean War Heroes taken in 1856. It's piper John MacDonald who joined the 72nd in 1843 and was appointed Pipe Major in 1856. The original photos were obviously black & white, so take the colourings with a huge grain of salt.
Last edited by OC Richard; 13th July 18 at 08:36 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte