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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickHughes123 View Post
    1. I am talking about civilian kilt wearing. In the civilian world, it is the most formal sporran. It is mostly worn by pipers, but is sometimes occasionally worn by civilians at formal events, not often though.

    2. You may actually have a point there. But in my personal experience, I've never seen any kilted person displaying a Glengarry on their head.

    3. Yes, they are. When have you ever seen a non-piper person or an everyday person wearing a Feather Bonnet?
    If you're talking purely civilian kilt wearing, then the horsehair sporran and feather bonnet aren't worn, unless the civilian is dressing as military personnel or as required by a band uniform.

    No solo piper worth worth his salt (i.e. not a hack busking alon the Royal Mile conning tourists out of their money) wears a feather bonnet and/or horsehair sporran unless he has to - again, uniform requirements.

    Look up up videos of excellent solo pipers at the highest level of competition where they dress in black tie formal. I promise you won't see a single civilian in a horsehair sporran or feather bonnet.

    As for not not seeing people in glens, how many kilted people have you seen in general?

    For the next week and a half or so, there will be hundreds if not thousands of pipers descending on Glasgow. Take a look at how they dress then report back about headgear and sporrans.

  2. #12
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    What are members thoughts about this sporran, dress or something else?

    The cantle is silver plated and has the purse opening.

    Last edited by Bruce Scott; 10th August 18 at 12:13 AM.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by YOJiMBO20 View Post
    I promise you won't see a single civilian in a horsehair sporran or feather bonnet.
    Go to any Highland Ball and I can guarantee that you will see civilians wearing horse hair sporrans.

  4. The Following 5 Users say 'Aye' to figheadair For This Useful Post:

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Scott View Post
    What are members thoughts about this sporran, dress or something else?

    The cantle is silver plated and has the purse opening.

    There being no hard and fast rules it might be found worn on a number of different occasions. Personally I would be inclind to wear for evening wear where a horse hair sporran would be too formal.

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  7. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    There being no hard and fast rules it might be found worn on a number of different occasions. Personally I would be inclind to wear for evening wear where a horse hair sporran would be too formal.
    Thanks for your response, indeed that was its intended purpose. I have had it for at many years but don't get many opportunities to wear it.
    Last edited by Bruce Scott; 10th August 18 at 12:36 AM.

  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickHughes123 View Post
    2. You may actually have a point there. But in my personal experience, I've never seen any kilted person displaying a Glengarry on their head.

    Can't speak to Scotland, but if you come to an American Highland Games, you'll see lots of Glengarrys worn by civilians who have no association to a band. They like it because it's easier to put on or stick under a belt if they need to take it off. Also, diced bonnets and glengarries are quite popular in the US.
    Virginia Commissioner, Elliot Clan Society, USA
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  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by figheadair View Post
    Go to any Highland Ball and I can guarantee that you will see civilians wearing horse hair sporrans.
    I'll be sure to keep an eye out at my band's annual Ball this November. Maybe one person will wear one.

  10. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by YOJiMBO20 View Post
    I'll be sure to keep an eye out at my band's annual Ball this November. Maybe one person will wear one.
    I had in mind the Perth Ball, Aberfeldy Ball, Northern Meetting and such like.

  11. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to figheadair For This Useful Post:

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