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  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th September 08
    From Michigan, USA. Currently in Lancashire, UK
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevieR View Post
    I don’t understand the pictures of shoes shown in the links from earlier posts though - called Oxfords but, In fact, Derby cut shoes.
    You are quite correct. I would guess the reason they are called Oxfords on the website is that it is what they are called in the regulation (for the Army anyway) incorrect or not. Not sure why incorrect terms would be used in a regulation.

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  3. #12
    Join Date
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    Sunshine State, Florida
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    Sanders has some beautiful shoes, but by time you add the postage, way too expensive. Especially if you are just looking for standard Military dress shoes. Sanders has great line, but think the cost out weights the worth in this case.

    Just my humble opinion...Cheers.
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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