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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th September 08
    From Michigan, USA. Currently in Lancashire, UK
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    Kilt Apron Question(s)

    I am currently making a piper's plaid for a local piper. It is the same tartan as a kilt he has had since he was 18 years old. Anyway, as we were talking about how he wanted his plaid to be done, he mentioned a problem with his kilt that I will be looking at later. He said that the apron comes forward on each side of his sporran and sort of curls around it. I have a couple of theories about what the problem might be, but I thought I would check here as well. Any ideas what might cause a problem like this? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Victoria, BC, Canada 1123.6536.5321
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    It would be very helpful if we could see a photo.

    I have seen aprons distorted by the sporran being worn too low. The sporran strap goes under the belly and the sporran ends up pulling into the crotch.

    It would be helpfull to know the maker and the weight & composition of the fabric.

    I have seen aprons pulled out of shape by a hip circumference too small. This may be in the manufacture and may be due to a weight gain.

    I have seen aprons that were too narrow in the hips or too narrow overall.

    It could be an apron taper issue.

    It could be something as simple as a poor pressing job.

    Without a photo all we can do is make wild guesses.
    Steve Ashton
    Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
    I wear the kilt because:
    Swish + Swagger = Swoon.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    27th September 08
    From Michigan, USA. Currently in Lancashire, UK
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    Without a photo all we can do is make wild guesses.
    I know what you mean. I haven't had a look at the kilt yet myself. I'll see if I can get a photo when he receives his plaid. Many thanks.


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