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Thread: Color Question

  1. #11
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    Karl R and Tarheel.

    Are you really being serious? Do you really apply all that colour tone and matching palaver to your attire choices? Well I suppose you must, if you say so, but I cannot say that I or anyone else, including women, that I know who go into such depths of detail for, well, clothes!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 11th April 19 at 02:13 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #12
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    My good and wise Jock,

    Too many years of thinking through color combinations that fit my complexion and the importance of a social/economic impact of the event have been lost when (as I have aged and matured, ... somewhat) self assurance would have trumped these trivial concerns. I offered a thought that included the opinions of Karl's wife (always a positive direction) in my statement. Karl may not choose to agree with me or follow my advice.

    Your views are always welcome and often require self evaluation by the person you task with your words. Sometimes a quirk in behavior fits the personality of one person but is not the norm of the masses. This may be one such case.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    My good and wise Jock,

    Too many years of thinking through color combinations that fit my complexion and the importance of a social/economic impact of the event have been lost when (as I have aged and matured, ... somewhat) self assurance would have trumped these trivial concerns. I offered a thought that included the opinions of Karl's wife (always a positive direction) in my statement. Karl may not choose to agree with me or follow my advice.

    Your views are always welcome and often require self evaluation by the person you task with your words. Sometimes a quirk in behavior fits the personality of one person but is not the norm of the masses. This may be one such case.
    Do you know, in a rather long life with some brief time spent almost every day peering into a mirror for one reason or another, but I cannot recall ever considering my complection! Each to their own.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  4. #14
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    As far as complexion goes, I guess some of us are just more complex than others!
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Karl R and Tarheel.

    Are you really being serious? Do you really apply all that colour tone and matching palaver to your attire choices? Well I suppose you must, if you say so, but I cannot say that I or anyone else, including women, that I know who go into such depths of detail for, well, clothes!
    I did not, until I married my wife. I don't wear light colors any more because she says my complexion is fair and it "washes me out." Colors must tone and I must not wear a particular tartan to work more than once per week. This applies to anything article with a particularly noticeable color or pattern, except a jacket, blazer, etc.

    She also doesn't allow tartan flashes, white hose, flat caps or t-shirts with my kilts. She sounds like a dictator, but it's just how she loves.

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by huntgathergrow View Post

    She also doesn't allow tartan flashes, white hose, flat caps or t-shirts with my kilts. ......
    On these points, your wife and I are in complete agreement!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    On these points, your wife and I are in complete agreement!
    I thought you would appreciate those.

    She is very supportive of my kilt habit, though. For that, I'm very thankful.

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  11. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Do you know, in a rather long life with some brief time spent almost every day peering into a mirror for one reason or another, but I cannot recall ever considering my complection!
    Good news! You don't need to. Even if I wanted to pick out the best colors for my complexion, I could do so purely based on the unsolicited feedback I receive from others (usually women). If someone says, "That shirt looks good on you," or "That color really suits you," then you know that you've chosen a color that works well with your complexion.

    If someone starts acting concerned about your health ... out of a genuine belief that you're ill ... when you're actually perfectly healthy, that's a clear indication that you've chosen a color that works poorly with your complexion.

    In some circumstances, I may not care what reaction I receive. For my hiking clothes, practicality trumps all other concerns. But for certain social functions, I may wish to look my best, rather than looking deathly ill. In order to make that choice (rather than having it occur randomly), I actually have to know which colors will produce which reactions.

    While self-assurance (as Tarheel mentioned) will generally produce more impact than one's sartorial choices, the effects are additive ... the self-assurance might mitigate a poor wardrobe choice, but it doesn't replace it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Are you really being serious? Do you really apply all that colour tone and matching palaver to your attire choices?
    Palaver? This isn't rocket science. This isn't brain surgery. I know the range of colors that work for me, and I can tell at a glance whether a color will work or not.

    This isn't something that requires daily thought and effort. If I'm buying a dress shirt that I wear to work, I choose the correct color. I'll figure out which pair(s) of dress slacks it works well with. After that, I won't need to think about it again for as long as I own the shirt. (And my shirts last at least several years before I wear them out.)

    To me, it seems more economical to figure out whether or not a shirt will look good before I spend money on it. Since I understand this well enough to tell at a glance, I don't even need to waste my time trying on a shirt that won't look good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarheel View Post
    I offered a thought that included the opinions of Karl's wife (always a positive direction) in my statement.
    I believe you offered that advice to jmerchlinsky, but it's a valid point. In addition, most women care enough about their husband's appearance that they will purchase clothes that look flattering. Not to mention, one earns brownie points with the wife when wearing something she purchased.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I cannot say that I or anyone else, including women, that I know who go into such depths of detail for, well, clothes!
    It doesn't require much depth or detail to buy/wear the right clothes. I don't need to understand all of the guidelines. Just the ones that apply to me. (I'm a really small subset of the entire population.) Depth and detail is required to explain the guidelines to someone else.

    The other time someone needs to really understand the guidelines is when they want to break them ... correctly.

  12. #19
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    One must please the spouse usually.
    Being red/green colorblind I have always wondered about color coordination and matching skin tones. It seems mysterious.

    The meaning of semi formal is very ambiguous. It actually men’s a tuxedo for men but definitions have become blurred.

    I did spend a few months doing some research in central Pennsylvania, Altoona it was. I enjoyed myself very much. It did seem like a very informal atmosphere.

  13. #20
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    deleted duplicate post
    Last edited by KMCMICHAEL; 11th April 19 at 02:45 PM. Reason: Duplicate

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