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  1. #1
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    Anniversary highlands trip

    Fellow Rabble,

    I am more than confident there exists a plethora of similar threads within the pages of the forum, not least the most recent (I believe) I found from Dunbar, posted in March. I have noted the comments there in, but we are working a far smaller area than Dunbar. I wonder therefore, if the Rabble would indulge me further and proffer any thoughts on the following trip (preferably polite, but we are all friends here...).

    We are heading north from sunny Wiltshire for 10 days towards the end of July (not ideal, as I will be simply adding to the tourist burden, but I can't change the anniversary..... daren't forget it either!), we are passing through good old Gretna and then locating/driving ourselves predominantly around Glencoe/Fort William/Inverness areas. I have identified a couple of 'must see' spots within the catchment area (in no particular order, including, but not limited to: Nevis, Culloden, Glencoe (battlefield, Clachoig Inn...), Fort Augustus, Spean Bridge Cdo Monument (to pay a few respects to fallen comrades), Loch Ness...).

    Based on the collective expertise, are there any other must see suggestions please? Grateful for any thoughts. Diolch.
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

  2. #2
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    I was down your way last week and do so quite often throughout the year.

    Anyway, if you are a steam train, or Harry Potter fan then the Jacobite steam train and The Glenfinnan viaduct(can also be seen from the road) from Fort William to Mallaig is a must do. The scenery itself is worth the trip which can be done much less expensively by normal train. A trip to the Achnacarry museum is worth a thought, not only from the Clan Cameron connection , but also the training ground for the commandos (DO NOT pick up interesting bits of metal. They used live ammunition whilst training and some of it is still lurking!). The West Highland Museum at Fort William is well worth a visit too, it boxes well above its weight with their exhibits----and its free.

    Fort George just outside Inverness is well worth a visit, from a military engineering point of view, plus a super museum and super views from the ramparts(dwell there a wee while and you will probably see the dolphins). Allow an extra half an hour to your travelling times at that time of year too. Oh, and bring some binoculars as the varied wildlife can put in an appearance for the sharp eyed.

    An afterthought.

    I would book your accommodation fairly swiftly. If the last few years are anything to go by, rooms are scarce-----think "hens teeth"----- at the time you are visiting.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 6th June 19 at 11:34 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I was down your way last week and do so quite often throughout the year.

    Anyway, if you are a steam train, or Harry Potter fan then the Jacobite steam train and The Glenfinnan viaduct(can also be seen from the road) from Fort William to Mallaig is a must do. The scenery itself is worth the trip which can be done much less expensively by normal train. A trip to the Achnacarry museum is worth a thought, not only from the Clan Cameron connection , but also the training ground for the commandos (DO NOT pick up interesting bits of metal. They used live ammunition whilst training and some of it is still lurking!). The West Highland Museum at Fort William is well worth a visit too, it boxes well above its weight with their exhibits----and its free.

    Fort George just outside Inverness is well worth a visit, from a military engineering point of view, plus a super museum and super views from the ramparts(dwell there a wee while and you will probably see the dolphins). Allow an extra half an hour to your travelling times at that time of year too. Oh, and bring some binoculars as the varied wildlife can put in an appearance for the sharp eyed.

    An afterthought.

    I would book your accommodation fairly swiftly. If the last few years are anything to go by, rooms are scarce-----think "hens teeth"----- at the time you are visiting.
    Jock, I am grateful for the insight and the reminder regarding munitions hanging about Well versed in the latter, fortunately/unfortunately (depending on how you want to look at it!) Although, was unaware of the Cameron musuem...thank you for that pointer! The viaduct is a good call too, thank you, I know the one you mean form the HP films (although not a fanatic, but the scenery looks awesome). so that is on the list. We were advised against Fort William, but I am now sold on a visit due to the museum. Similarly, George (you caught the wife at 'dolphins'!!) especially as we will be heading up to Culloden.

    I am so looking forward to this trip with my good lady, I have to say. I know I am a Welshman rather than a Scot, but I do feel such an affinity with the highlands - all Celts together, and all that. I will also be packing my (by then, newly arrived) County cilt, so I hope I don't offend too many people!

    Thanks again for the guidance.
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

  5. #4
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    If you take the steam train to Mallaig, take the 1 hour boat trip, you will see three islands, porpoise, seal etc
    Last edited by fflex; 9th June 19 at 02:38 AM.
    I'm not lost, I just don't know where I am

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  7. #5
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    Thank you. I will certainly mention that to the wife.... The draw of seals etc might outweigh her lack of sea legs
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaidd View Post
    Thank you. I will certainly mention that to the wife.... The draw of seals etc might outweigh her lack of sea legs
    You can see the odd seal swimming about at Fort William and likewise from the ramparts of Fort George(probably the best bet) and the harbour at Malliag and any rocky cove around the coast of the Highlands. Otters are not unusual in the same areas. All you need is time, patience, sharp eyes, binoculars and/or, luck.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 10th June 19 at 01:52 PM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    You can see the odd seal swimming about at Fort William and likewise from the ramparts of Fort George(probably the best bet) and the harbour at Malliag and any rocky cove around the coast of the Highlands. Otters are not unusual in the same areas. All you need is time, patience, sharp eyes, binoculars and/or, luck.
    Thanks again Jock. I can see us reducing the mileage and lengthening the time in each location. Could really do with longer.... There's always next year😆
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

  11. #8
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    Hi mate, I'll have a look through my photos from the trip I did 2 years ago, did Inverness, fort William, Skye, Loch Lomond, when I get back from Canada. I'm currently in Toronto airport for flight home, so shouldn't be too long.

    p.s. Jocks right you may struggle to find accommodation especially in the popular spots.

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    Hi mate, I'll have a look through my photos from the trip I did 2 years ago, did Inverness, fort William, Skye, Loch Lomond, when I get back from Canada. I'm currently in Toronto airport for flight home, so shouldn't be too long.

    p.s. Jocks right you may struggle to find accommodation especially in the popular spots.
    Thanks mate, appreciated. Touch wood, so far, accommodation is going OK! 🤞🏻. Safe trip.
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

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  14. #10
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    A wee update. The traffic and tourist numbers appear to be noticeably less than in recent years, so keep those fingers crossed! Oh and its raining and the midgies are dreadful!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 5th July 19 at 07:54 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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