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  1. #11
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    Thanks Jock. Was expecting the last 2...the traffic, not so much!
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

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  3. #12
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    Glad to see this update. We leave this Wednesday the 17th. Staying 3 nights on the Royal Mile at North Bridge then joining the Clan Dunbar tour until the 2nd of August. Picking up the motor home and heading North. If the weather is ugly on the west coast we will go counter clockwise and visit ancestral Dunbar lands in Moray before going down the west coast. If the boats are all booked we will surf the Corryvreckan

  4. #13
    Nomad's Avatar
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    Hi mate

    Just thought of a few things that I didn't tell you about on our trip, if you've a few hours to kill, the drive down to loch Etive (turn right as you leave Glencoe) is a nice drive with good scenery. There are lots of deer so watch out. Don't expect to see the Manor House from James Bond at the end (google it like I didn't 😫).

    If you fancy getting a picture of the Jacobite train from the little hill above the Glenfinnan monument car park have a bath in mosquito repellent because it is a midgie infested bog, P.S. Unlike my wife who left me up the hill in the pouring rain trying to get a photo, you should check its running, it doesn't on Sunday's. She stupidly informed me of this when I came back down to the visitors centre, surprisingly to both me and her I didn't cuss at her, just said "why did you think it was a good time to tell me ".

    Have a great time, we did despite a few logistical errors.

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  6. #14
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    “ Midge infested bog”? I am afraid that the midgies are not just confined to those few acres around Glenfinnan! Sadly, the whole of the Highlands and Western Scotland in general are well supplied with blood sucking insect species, the rest of Scotland, apart from the towns, are not immune either. The tick being probably the most concerning with a possibility of Lymes Disease, but the horse fly(cleggs), mosquitos and of course the midgie are all provided free of charge by the tourist board to make your visit errr ummm well, ——— unforgettable! A good strong breeze can help deter these pests if you are lucky!
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  7. #15
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    Popped into FW this morning-------well tried to------! Heavy traffic building and crowds gathering in large numbers now. The usual quick trip of half an hour or so, there and back, took two hours!
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 27th July 19 at 07:05 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  9. #16
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    Well, 1300 miles later, more so with the yomping across glorious countryside, we have returned home . Apart from (typically) the day we visited Glencoe, we were very fortunate with the weather, and even a celt like me managed to get some colour! An amazing road trip on which we discovered the Highlands....of course, we simply scratched the surface and will be returning in the not too distant future. Unlike my good friend Nomad, I did check opening times etc etc

    Highlight for my wife (even above the amazing scenery) was catching the dolphins on a sunny morning - a life's ambition met. For me, a simple one, but one which the military brethren will understand in particular; Spean Bridge (the Commando Memorial). As an ex-Royal Marine Commando, very moving (blessed too to have it to ourselves).

    So, my sincere thanks to all who contributed to our itinerary; your suggestions filled much of it. Those we missed, we will catch next time. Thanks again fellow Rabble.
    Dduw Bendithia pob Celtiaid

  10. #17
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    Delighted to hear that the dolphins were able to oblige.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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