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Thread: THCD or Nothing

  1. #31
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    In Dartmouth, the Izod brand used to be carried by The Bay. I've gotten many there over the years.

    And there's always Amazon... https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=tattersall...b_sb_ss_i_1_11

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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by imbrius View Post
    I guess my question is should I strive for "THCD or nothing"? If a button-down collared shirt is too formal, then opt for jeans instead of a kilt?
    Have you looked at buying more casual button-down shirts?

    For example, I've found that linen shirts (see example) or cotton/linen blends tend to look more casual, just due to the material. This also works with some 100% cotton shirts.

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  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Assuming, Jock, that you can get a decent checked shirt in N.Am. that isn't button down. I suppose you could wear it without doing up the buttons, but the buttons and holes do show when you're face to face and look sloppy.
    I've found a few if you keep your eyes open. They may be listed as tattersall, or look for "check" or "windowpane". Strait collars. I search the dept store sales online. They are nice dress shirts, I have two in blue/brown and one in black/grey. Not "country tattersall", but look nice with the kilt.

    Here is one I got on sale at Nordstrom. Forgive the wrinkles, I haven't ironed it yet!

    You can also easily get other tattersall shirts from other vendors. eBay is another source for used shirts.

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  6. #34
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    Oh yes, I watch the stores very carefully, but I'm not big at ordering online where I've had problems with quality, sizing, materials, items not as advertised, etc. etc. As I said earlier, I like to be able to touch it and try it on.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

  7. #35
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    A Story

    In college (UCSC..GO SLUGS!) I had the great pleasure of being the student of a classically trained fencing master, Delmar Calvert (here is a link about him)


    Anyway, he was a student of art as well as things Military/Sports and was fond of remarking that Pablo Picasso was trained in the classic/traditional school of painting. However, once having mastered those skills as a classically trained painter, he began to explore and create his own styles.

    I love Traditional Highland Dress, however I live in the Bay Area of sunny California.

    THD is sometimes not the best choice, however the knowledge I have of it leads me to wear outfits that harken to to it without religiously following it to the point of looking stupid.

    So enjoy THD, explore it, learn about it, and let that love for it guide you...but not rule you!


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  9. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Rex, I'm looking over the Rydale site and trying to decide on sizes (too big or too small). I'm assuming you've worn their shirts - would you describe them as 'roomy' or 'slim fit'?
    'Roomy', Bill. Yes, I've worn them for years and find them very comfortable. Ruth tells me I should wear a 'large', but I prefer 'extra-large'. These are casual shirts, most of brushed 100% cotton, but they are CHEAP and when I tire of them (long before they are worn out, I assure you) I have them laundered and present them in wrappers to a charity shop in Inverness. My understanding is that they are quickly snapped up. Try them, Bill, (XLG for one and XXLG, for a second) and pass on the one that doesn't suit. I'm not sure, but I think Rydale sells in Canada. They certainly will ship, although I suppose that means additional cost.

    I wear them whenever an open-collar shirt is appropriate (and sometimes with a tweed tie).
    Last edited by ThistleDown; 7th September 19 at 07:57 PM.

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  11. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThistleDown View Post
    'Roomy', Bill. Yes, I've worn them for years and find them very comfortable. Ruth tells me I should wear a 'large', but I prefer 'extra-large'. These are casual shirts, most of brushed 100% cotton, but they are CHEAP and when I tire of them (long before they are worn out, I assure you) I have them laundered and present them in wrappers to a charity shop in Inverness. My understanding is that they are quickly snapped up. Try them, Bill, (XLG for one and XXLG, for a second) and pass on the one that doesn't suit. I'm not sure, but I think Rydale sells in Canada. They certainly will ship, although I suppose that means additional cost.

    I wear them whenever an open-collar shirt is appropriate (and sometimes with a tweed tie).
    Sounds good. All cotton... means ironing, doesn’t it? Mine are polyester/cotton and I wear them the way they come out of the dryer. I’m just lazy, I guess.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
    Sounds good. All cotton... means ironing, doesn’t it? Mine are polyester/cotton and I wear them the way they come out of the dryer. I’m just lazy, I guess.
    What! Do you mean to say that you don't have staff to do the ironing etc.? Oh dear Bill, just what is the world coming to?

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  15. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    What! Do you mean to say that you don't have staff to do the ironing etc.? Oh dear Bill, just what is the world coming to?

    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  17. #40
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    "I guess my question is should I strive for "THCD or nothing"? If a button-down collared shirt is too formal, then opt for jeans instead of a kilt?"

    There are so many options within this (sometimes elusive) traditional dress concept, the least of which is that general wear materials and styles change. At some point "traditional" risks becoming "historic".

    There are times where, when wearing the kilt, it just doesn't make sense to try to stick within a perceived style set. Common sense comfort that does not clash with the fact a kilt is strapped 'round your waist is what matters if you are fashion/style conscious, IMO. Lots of very smart shirts and jumpers that go well with the kilt for hiking comfort.

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