For sure it's fun and addictive.
The thing that noodling with tartan design has taught me is the impact that relatively small changes in proportion make.
I've done a dozen variants of the same design, making minute adjustments, until every proportion feels right.
Then...I look at tartans in production that have clumsy awkward proportions, obviously created by people with no "eye" for proportion and balance.
It's the same with other sorts of graphic design: computer graphics programs allow people with no feel for proportion or lettering design come up with slick-looking t-shirts, signage, and such. The polished finish the computer bestows cannot hide the poor quality of the designs.
Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd November 19 at 05:13 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte