Thanks for organizing it. We had a good time. Kathie also said to tell y'all thank you for not making her feel like a third wheel as the only female there.
Thanks for organizing this. It was good to see y'all again.
My father-in-law enjoyed himself too, though he had difficulties hearing. Even though he started wearing a kilt for formal occasions back in 1992, that was his first time to wear a kilt without also wearing a Prince Charlie. (And since he's old and set in his ways, it took some effort to convince him that one does not wear a tuxedo to a pub. I didn't even bother trying to talk him out of wearing the dress sporran. It's his only sporran.)
I'm glad you made the drive down. Perhaps next time my wife can join us also. I'm also glad that you provided another example of wearing a kilt more casually. So far, I'm the only person my father-in-law has seen wearing a kilt without a jacket/waistcoat.
Do either of you remember the spelling of the store where Steve bought his kilt hose? I tried all the variations that I could think of, and I came up blank.