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  1. #1
    imbrius's Avatar
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    The Measure of a Man

    I was thinking that since I suddenly find myself with some extra cash, I'd like to pull the trigger soon on an 8 yard kilt. I know which material I want, etc. And I've narrowed the range of makers down to two. What's got me tripped up now is measurement.

    Coincidentally I was reading this thread this morning about the "towel method" and it reinforced the quandary I now face.

    My kilt-maker options are thus:
    USA Kilts or Angus Harvey

    I am much happier to give my business to USA Kilts because I love their work and they are an X Marks sponsor. However, I would be dependent on spouse-assisted self-measurement. If I went to Angus Harvey (who has a booth at the local Renaissance faire), he can measure me in person, himself.

    I understand the importance of measurements and the pictures clarify that even more. I guess what I really seek here is reassurance that DIYing the measurements and sending them to USA Kilts will result the correct fit and shape, especially since I'm a "gentleman of substance" as they say on these forums.

  2. #2
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    While I totally agree about Rocky's quality, I'm always in favour of having the measurements taken by the same person who's going to push the needle through the twill.

    Having said that, with COVID doing its thing, in-person measurements have a whole different meaning depending on regulations where you are, so...

    However you do it, use the measurement method required by your kiltmaker. They have so many very different ways of achieving very similar results.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  4. #3
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    I am also a large lad and have had marvelous results with Rocky and crew. If you follow his measurement guidance you should have no problem.

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  6. #4
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    One other option would be to measure with your chosen kiltmaker by Skype. For my first eight yard custom kilt my wife helped during a Skype video call with Barb Tewksbury. The resulting kilt fit great, as have the four others which she has made for me since then.

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  8. #5
    imbrius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Bradshaw View Post
    One other option would be to measure with your chosen kiltmaker by Skype. For my first eight yard custom kilt my wife helped during a Skype video call with Barb Tewksbury. The resulting kilt fit great, as have the four others which she has made for me since then.
    This is a good idea, neighbor.

  9. #6
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    If you're considering USA Kilts, I'd recommend calling them. Their customer service has been very good in my experience, and I have no doubt they'd be able to walk you through getting the measurements they need using exactly the method they need you to use to measure them properly.

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  11. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todd Bradshaw View Post
    One other option would be to measure with your chosen kiltmaker by Skype. For my first eight yard custom kilt my wife helped during a Skype video call with Barb Tewksbury. The resulting kilt fit great, as have the four others which she has made for me since then.
    I've rarely made a kilt for which I actually did the measuring. I've Skyped/Zoomed with many customers, and it's simple to do and reassuring to the customer. It also is reassuring for the kiltmaker. I dread the prospect of getting measurements from someone who has not followed my measuring instructions exactly. As several of us have said many times on XMarks, different kiltmakers take and use measurements differently, and if you don't do the measuring the way your kiltmaker wants you to, your kilt won't fit properly. I am always delighted to Skype/Zoom with a customer so that I, too, am reassured that the measurements are done correctly.

    And the last thing I'll say is that it's really difficult to get accurate measurements if you try to measure your own body (particularly kilt length). If your kiltmaker is somewhere else and can't do the measuring, you must enlist a spouse or friend to measure you according to the instructions. And I plead with customers to do that rather than go to a tailor and have them take measurements. My experience is that tailors typically don't use the instructions that I provide because they are so accustomed to taking measurements their own way.
    Kiltmaker, piper, and geologist (one of the few, the proud, with brains for rocks....
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  13. #8
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    With social interaction in stasis, who knows when your local guy will be able to take your measurements. If you have bought from USA Kilts before, then definitely give them a call, you know it's worth it. I don't know if they do Skype call consulting but it can't hurt to ask.
    Have an assistant do your actual measurements. More accurate and just plain easier.

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