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  1. #11
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    Re: My New Rob Roy Kilt

    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    What's the point of getting a new kilt if you don't brag about it?
    Considering the only ones that I've seen were made in Audubon, PA... I LOVE IT! I'm glad that someone else has taken up the effort.

    It CAN be a tough one to do since the bold tartan will show any errors or taper-flaws! Keep it pressed well and it will serve you well.

    Did you say... A LUMBERJACK?!

    (Finish the song on your own).
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
    OK, You're forgiven about the kilt pin! I cannot say that I have ever knowingly seen a kilt in that tartan before, but my guess is that if the tartan fabric exists then someone will have had a kilt made-up in it at some time.
    At some time ... but not today! I believe that I have the only Old MacGregor/Rob Roy kilt in existence! If there were other OM/RR's out there, I would probably have seen one on eBay by now.

    ... Well, actually, you're right, and I'm almost certainly NOT the only OM/RR kilt wearer today, but I can dream a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamish
    Your tartan is indeed Old MacGregor. The oldest specimen of it was collected in 1815/1816 and it was first officially recorded in about 1819. It is believed that the name "Rob Roy" was added during the romantic Victorian period. This is according to The Scottish Tartans Authority, of which I am a member.
    Gosh ... you ... like, KNOW stuff. You're like a professor, only you give away nuggets for free. Thanks, Ham!

  3. #13
    macwilkin is offline
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    Rob Roy & Robin Hood...

    Zaczek's "World Tartans" has a variant of the Rob Roy tartan named for Robin Hood, with green instead of red -- like the aforementioned Rob Roy, Robin Hood was also a hero featured in the works of Sir Walter Scott (Ivanhoe), and the tartan was evidently named because of this connection, not because Robin wore a kilt! :mrgreen:

    Okay, let the green tight jokes fly!



  4. #14
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    Re: Rob Roy & Robin Hood...

    Wow! Great looking kilt. One more reason for me to make a PK my next purchase.

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    Zaczek's "World Tartans" has a variant of the Rob Roy tartan named for Robin Hood, with green instead of red --
    I was going to ask if this tartan came in green. Thanks for answering before I asked.

  5. #15
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    You can also find it in blue.

    USAKilts used to carry and make BOTH the red and blue ones in wool.

    And they BOTH looked awesome!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  6. #16
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    Considering how I'm a MacGregor, I love it!

  7. #17
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    Dear Mr. Bear (sorry, I can't address someone who does the kilt so proud as Ugly),

    I really like the look of your RR kilt with the waistcoat and tie...In fact I plan to steal your idea for New Years (hope you don't mind) though the effect will be more subdued with my Black Watch...but I have no waistcoat and was wondering if yours is meant to be worn with the Prince Charlie? Or did you buy it on its own?

    PS Do I really have to wear a kilt pin? Never have liked em much, though I have one.....Hamish, convince me!

  8. #18
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    Re: Waistcoat

    Quote Originally Posted by philibeg
    I really like the look of your RR kilt with the waistcoat and tie...In fact I plan to steal your idea for New Years (hope you don't mind) though the effect will be more subdued with my Black Watch...but I have no waistcoat and was wondering if yours is meant to be worn with the Prince Charlie? Or did you buy it on its own?
    It's just an ordinary waistcoat (vest) meant to go with a suit. A Prince Charlie waistcoat, I'm pretty sure, will sit higher, and part in the Sporran Zone.

    Making formal clothes work with kilts, both traditional and non-traditional, can be a problem. Suitcoats, for example. They cut right across the Sporran Zone. They actually look okay if you leave them unbuttoned, but then the Suit Purists will tell you that you should button at least one button. Maybe the only way to go truly formal is with a Prince Charlie jacket, but I'm interested in finding a lower-cost and flexible alternative.

    Quote Originally Posted by philibeg
    PS Do I really have to wear a kilt pin? Never have liked em much, though I have one.....Hamish, convince me!
    If you don't, you can't get 10/10 on the Hamish Scale. You've got three days. Get shoppin'.

  9. #19
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    Re: Waistcoat

    Quote Originally Posted by philibeg
    Dear Mr. Bear (sorry, I can't address someone who does the kilt so proud as Ugly),

    I really like the look of your RR kilt with the waistcoat and tie...In fact I plan to steal your idea for New Years (hope you don't mind) though the effect will be more subdued with my Black Watch...but I have no waistcoat and was wondering if yours is meant to be worn with the Prince Charlie? Or did you buy it on its own?

    PS Do I really have to wear a kilt pin? Never have liked em much, though I have one.....Hamish, convince me!
    Call tuxedo rental places in your neck of the woods. They often have nice black waistcoats for sale for real cheap, as they are usually ex-for hire waistcoats. I managed to pick mine up for $18 Cdn.

  10. #20
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    Re: Waistcoat

    Quote Originally Posted by philibeg
    .................................................. .......................
    PS Do I really have to wear a kilt pin? Never have liked em much, though I have one.....Hamish, convince me!
    I don't know that I can convince you, nor do I know that I really need to! To my way of thinking, there is just something about wearing a pin on the kilt - a finishing touch, if you like. Nowadays it has little practical value - they are mostly too lightweight to hold the apron down in a wind - but they are decorative and are, I suppose, often a means of personalising your kilt (provided you can find a rather unusual and distinguished pin!). The clan crest ones are a fairly modern idea (within my lifetime anyway). The kiltmakers' shops are awash with them and, on the whole, they are poorly made of light, soft 'metal'. I simply refuse to buy those things - they're rubbish!

    As I say, in my opinion, a traditional tartan or plain kilt is 'unfinished' without a kilt pin. On the other hand, they tend to look ridiculous when added to Utilikilts, Amerikilts, etc. ........in my opinion!!

    Take care,
    (PS: A reminder: NEVER pin the top and under aprons of your kilt together - no matter how windy the conditions. That way lies the route to torn and ruined kilts!)

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