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  1. #1
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    Two questions that need answering before anything else is addressed. What time of day is the wedding? Is the event to be formal or not? Semi formal does not exist in this case. Once those two questions are answered everything else should fall into place.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 13th May 21 at 09:55 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

  2. #2
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    Highly unlikely you will need a cape - or anything else as outerwear (barring rain) - esp. if you are also planning on wearing a plaid.

    My own wedding was a few years ago in Estonia, in February (our coldest month) with temperatures down to about -4f. On the day it was about 10f I just wore a kilt and jacket. We had some photos taken out on the ice, as the sea freezes at this time of year.

    That said, I do have a vintage Crombie overcoat I picked up on eBay for £20 about 15 years ago, specifically as outerwear for a family wedding in Prague.This was also in February and expected to be about -4f. In the end it was quite mild, about 20f and I didn't really need the overcoat - but I think it's a good alternative to a cape.

    Ignore the cane - it wasn't an affection, I had broken my leg about 6 weeks earlier and had an aircast splint on (hidden by the hose) so I could fly out for the wedding.

    I have also worn a sheepskin jacket as outerwear with my kilt - but not for a wedding (regardless as to the level of formality).
    Last edited by Tomo; 13th May 21 at 01:53 PM.

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  4. #3
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    Ignore the cane - it wasn't an affection, I had broken my leg about 6 weeks earlier and had an aircast splint on (hidden by the hose) so I could fly out for the wedding.
    My condolences on your injury but a gentleman should never need to apologize for carrying a well crafted cane!

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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Two questions that need answering before anything else is addressed. What time of day is the wedding? Is the event to be formal or not? Semi formal does not exist in this case. Once those two questions are answered everything else should fall into place.
    Thanks Jock. I don't know that the time has been set yet. It will be a formal wedding, with black tie equivalent for the gentlemen in the ceremony and the bride will be in a long dress, although won't be wearing white.
    Last edited by TNScotsman; 13th May 21 at 06:52 PM.

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TNScotsman View Post
    Thanks Jock. I don't know that the time has been set yet. It will be a formal wedding, with black tie equivalent for the gentlemen in the ceremony and the bride will be in a long dress, although won't be wearing white.
    Hummm how do I say this tactfully? Assuming(?) the ceremony is in the day time then a black bow tie would not be worn in traditional circles ——-one would not want to be mistaken for a waiter————-although the hire companies unfortunately suggest that people do so. I also have a feeling that there are distinct differences of attire expectations on your side of the Atlantic.

    So for what it is worth , not much probably, the traditional Scottish( UK) civilian kilted wedding service takes place during the day and the celebrations might/could continue into the evening. If the attire is to be formal then a black barathea silver buttoned argyle(BBSBA) is worn with a drop down tie. If the celebrations continue into the evening then in normal circumstances( there are very very rare exceptions)then the attire worn in the day continues to be worn in the evening.

    I cannot comment on trans-Atlantic wedding expectations seriously as I have never been to one and I also understand the ceremony can take place in the evening. However, I get the distinct feeling that Scottish attire traditions and Scottish wedding agendas will not happily evolve with your requirements. What I would caution though, there is a danger that your thinking is making the happy event into a costume show. Good luck.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 14th May 21 at 03:44 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  9. #6
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    Firstly, congratulations to your friend on his upcoming wedding. I have an Inverness Cape and will say I never needed it when I spent time in North Carolina and doubt you would need one in Tennessee. So onto the outfits, I also have a Montrose Doublet, I've never worn it with a Fly Plaid and would caution against one as they are cumbersome and bring little to the outfit as a whole. With the Montrose as it is a closed neck with a dart for shaping you really do need a jabot with it to hide the dart. With the Sherffimuir Doublet as it is open there is more lee way wearing it with White or Black Tie. As Jock said changing during a ceremony is rarely if ever done, even on this side of the pond I don't think I've seen it often, sometimes the Bride and Groom will change for the reception, however that's about it.

    Were it me, I would purchase the jacket you will get the most wear from after the wedding as well. This to my mind would not be a Doublet at all rather an Argyll jacket would be my choice. Now this will be a bit of a let down for you. Some years ago I purchased a Black Argyll with silver buttons for my nephew's wedding, I rarely wear it opting for a tweed almost always, in fact in the past 4 or so years I may have worn it once a year but probably not even that much, while my tweeds are constantly in and out of the closet, something to think about and of course your experience may differ.

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  11. #7
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    I appreciate the input Jock. Common practice in the US., which may or may not ultimately be a good idea, is that black tie is worn by participants regardless of the time of the ceremony. Attendees are almost always in coat and tie, again regardless of the time of day. I suspect this is ultimately more about pictures than tradition, but it's how it's done...

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TNScotsman View Post
    I appreciate the input Jock. Common practice in the US., which may or may not ultimately be a good idea, is that black tie is worn by participants regardless of the time of the ceremony. Attendees are almost always in coat and tie, again regardless of the time of day. I suspect this is ultimately more about pictures than tradition, but it's how it's done...
    I appreciate what you say but in my mind if you are wearing the kilt, then the attire traditions/conventions go along with it. Yes, a few minor alterations might occur either on a whim or through ignorance. I am afraid to say and with the greatest of respect, what you are thinking of doing is driving a coach and horses through Scottish attire traditions.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 14th May 21 at 04:12 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  14. #9
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    For the sake of an update here the wedding has shifted to the spring rather than the fall. Nothing nefarious in that, it's simply working better for the couple to have more time to put together all the details as they're hosting the ceremony at their home. That's giving me the bonus of getting to have some legitimate fun with my chainsaw and truck over there this summer and fall.

    I (more accurately my friend the groom) have received what should be the final marching orders for the ceremony. It will be PC with fly plaid, but out of the bride's interest for people to look more uniform the groom will be in his Henderson tartan and those of us in the groom's party will all be in Black watch. I'm somewhat disappointed to not be in my own Campbell of Cawdor, but as Black watch is essentially the Campbell tartan I won't be too far out of place in it even as a universal tartan.

    We'll be making a road trip to Atlanta Kilts in the near future as that's the closest place to get on-site measurements for custom Highland wear (the production is all done in Scotland). I'm not investing in a particularly expensive Black Watch kilt, but am going to get a high quality PC jacket and waistcoat. Granted they won't get a great deal of wear, but there's a tradition where we attend Christmas Eve services (outside of pandemics) of PCs for those of Scottish descent so I'll get to break it out for Christmas every year.

  15. #10
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    As an update, more details are coming together. The ceremony will be at 2 PM in late April, with the event itself scheduled to run until 9 that evening.

    We went to Atlanta Kilts over the weekend as it was a convenient place to go in person for our measurements and ordering. It was well worth the road trip as we had a great time and also got first-rate service on site at Atlanta Kilts. They really know their business and pay attention to the small details.

    We'll be in PC with fly plaid, fur sporrans, green hose, and ghillie brogues. The bride has coordinated her look with the groom's Henderson Weathered, and the bridesmaids will be coordinated with the groomsmen's Black Watch. I also ordered an 8 yard Campbell of Cawdor Ancient kilt for myself while we were there and picked up a Balmoral since it was so easy to get measured and try things on versus ordering online and hoping for the best.

    It will be several months before pictures of the event, but we're all looking forward to it. The weekend after Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I'm serving as an escort at the Daughters of the British Empire Christmas tea where I'll be in Scottish National kilt (nice Christmas colors) and Argyll jacket with waistcoat. I'll probably wear the same to the Christmas Eve church service we attend as there is a tradition for some of the congregation to attend kilted. PC is seen more often there, but alas mine will not yet be delivered, so I'll have to go slightly less formal than I'd like.

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