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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Scott View Post
    There are many choices. In addition to district tartans there are numerous "fashion" tartans such as those at the links below:

    https://www.tartanregister.gov.uk/qr...g=pride&Page=1 (three pages of them)


    I laughed to see the Pride of Cleveland tartan on the "pride" list. But at least the designer did a better job of making the (US) football team's colors work than the team itself ever did.
    When in doubt, end with a jig. - Robin McCauley

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touchstone View Post
    I laughed to see the Pride of Cleveland tartan on the "pride" list. But at least the designer did a better job of making the (US) football team's colors work than the team itself ever did.
    It would be good to watch a Browns or Guardians game in.

  3. #23
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    If all else fails you are always welcome to wear the Tartan of X Marks.

    The X Marks the Scot Tartan.

    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    Would it be ok, if a non current or former firefighter, soldier, sailor, marine, or whatever else to wear a kilt made with one the the tartans designed to honor the above? I would be wearing it to honor their sacrifices, not just because I thought the tartans looked good.

    There are a lot of perspectives for folks on this issue. I think it's perfectly appropriate for you to wear a tartan made to honour those. You're wearing it to show respect for them and that's fine in my view. It would be a different thing if you were to dress in a uniform in which you didn't serve.


  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    I do have a clan tartan, but what about people who do not? Especially people who either don’t know what part of Scotland their ancestors came from, or people who want to wear kilts but have no known Scottish heritage?
    I have no known Highland clan connection. I wear whatever tartan I want -- with a few exceptions. The association of a tartan with a clan is (largely) a relatively recent custom mostly created by capitalist mills looking to sell more tartan. For some folks, it's a really big deal and I respect their perspective but for me, I'll wear whatever tartan I wish and I'll be sure to know the exact name and palette so that when asked, I can be educated about what I have on my body.


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  8. #26
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    Like many former-colonials I'm mixed and have plenty of appropriate tartans to choose from without infringing upon others.

    I wouldn't wear any of the US service tartans simply because I didn't serve.

    I have numerous Stewart ancestors, and ancestors from Cornwall and County Cavan (Eire) so in addition to the vast number of universal tartans I might wear:

    -West Virginia (my home state)
    -California (where I currently live)
    -Cooper (I'm a Cooper on one side)
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  9. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to OC Richard For This Useful Post:

  10. #27
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    Cavan is a nice place! My own family (the surname Leddy) is from Cavan. I have the tartan but not in a kilt yet -- it's waiting until the maker has time.


    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    Like many former-colonials I'm mixed and have plenty of appropriate tartans to choose from without infringing upon others.

    I wouldn't wear any of the US service tartans simply because I didn't serve.

    I have numerous Stewart ancestors, and ancestors from Cornwall and County Cavan (Eire) so in addition to the vast number of universal tartans I might wear:

    -West Virginia (my home state)
    -California (where I currently live)
    -Cooper (I'm a Cooper on one side)

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  12. #28
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    A Newbie perspective

    While respecting the opinions of all who have already weighed in, I wanted to add my perspective as a novice.

    I love tartan. I can count on one hand the number of tartans I think are "ugly". With that said, there are a number of tartans I would never consider wearing.
    As a retired Army medic, I would not wear the police, firefighter, or another service branch's tartan. I feel those are for members of those communities. Masonic, clergy, Balmoral, and clan chief tartans are also out of the question. I honestly believe that if you are wearing a tartan to honor who or what you feel the tartan represents, then wear it. Just make sure you are able to articulate that.

    My current wish list:

    Irish Heritage (USA Kilts) = Matches 80% of my casual wardrobe as a Philadelphia Eagles fan
    Kilts and Culture (USA Kilts) = Fashion tartan.
    Maple Leaf, Newfoundland, US Army, Cornwall, Stewart Hunting, and 3 Irish counties. (Direct heritage links)

    Those are just the ones I like that I have a direct link to. If I was in a Macleod wedding, I would rock that yellow in a heart beat.

    Those are just my thoughts. You do you. I like the interaction and look forward to telling the curious about my kilt of choice.

  13. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jthk View Post
    Cavan is a nice place! My own family (the surname Leddy) is from Cavan. I have the tartan but not in a kilt yet -- it's waiting until the maker has time.
    Which Cavan? The House Of Edgar Cavan? I love that tartan.

    My Cavan people were named Glancy.

    The Primary Valuation property survey 1847-1864 shows the following number of Glancy households:

    Roscommon 62
    Leitrim 34
    Longford 6
    Cavan 4
    Sligo 3
    (all other counties 1 or 0)
    Last edited by OC Richard; 29th November 21 at 05:48 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by VegasKilted View Post
    My current wish list:

    Irish Heritage (USA Kilts) = Matches 80% of my casual wardrobe as a Philadelphia Eagles fan
    Kilts and Culture (USA Kilts) = Fashion tartan.
    Maple Leaf, Newfoundland, US Army, Cornwall, Stewart Hunting, and 3 Irish counties. (Direct heritage links)
    I've always liked Hunting Stewart, especially in Weathered Colours.

    Having numerous Stewart ancestors (going back before the Revolutionary War) when I saw Hunting Stewart Weathered in tweed (from Marton Mills) I had to have it! It's among the most beautiful kilt fabrics I've seen.

    For me that tartan hits the Venn Diagram spot where "beautiful" and "appropriate" coalesce.

    Last edited by OC Richard; 29th November 21 at 05:46 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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