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  1. #11
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    For the sake of an update here the wedding has shifted to the spring rather than the fall. Nothing nefarious in that, it's simply working better for the couple to have more time to put together all the details as they're hosting the ceremony at their home. That's giving me the bonus of getting to have some legitimate fun with my chainsaw and truck over there this summer and fall.

    I (more accurately my friend the groom) have received what should be the final marching orders for the ceremony. It will be PC with fly plaid, but out of the bride's interest for people to look more uniform the groom will be in his Henderson tartan and those of us in the groom's party will all be in Black watch. I'm somewhat disappointed to not be in my own Campbell of Cawdor, but as Black watch is essentially the Campbell tartan I won't be too far out of place in it even as a universal tartan.

    We'll be making a road trip to Atlanta Kilts in the near future as that's the closest place to get on-site measurements for custom Highland wear (the production is all done in Scotland). I'm not investing in a particularly expensive Black Watch kilt, but am going to get a high quality PC jacket and waistcoat. Granted they won't get a great deal of wear, but there's a tradition where we attend Christmas Eve services (outside of pandemics) of PCs for those of Scottish descent so I'll get to break it out for Christmas every year.

  2. #12
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    As an update, more details are coming together. The ceremony will be at 2 PM in late April, with the event itself scheduled to run until 9 that evening.

    We went to Atlanta Kilts over the weekend as it was a convenient place to go in person for our measurements and ordering. It was well worth the road trip as we had a great time and also got first-rate service on site at Atlanta Kilts. They really know their business and pay attention to the small details.

    We'll be in PC with fly plaid, fur sporrans, green hose, and ghillie brogues. The bride has coordinated her look with the groom's Henderson Weathered, and the bridesmaids will be coordinated with the groomsmen's Black Watch. I also ordered an 8 yard Campbell of Cawdor Ancient kilt for myself while we were there and picked up a Balmoral since it was so easy to get measured and try things on versus ordering online and hoping for the best.

    It will be several months before pictures of the event, but we're all looking forward to it. The weekend after Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I'm serving as an escort at the Daughters of the British Empire Christmas tea where I'll be in Scottish National kilt (nice Christmas colors) and Argyll jacket with waistcoat. I'll probably wear the same to the Christmas Eve church service we attend as there is a tradition for some of the congregation to attend kilted. PC is seen more often there, but alas mine will not yet be delivered, so I'll have to go slightly less formal than I'd like.

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TNScotsman View Post
    Common practice in the US is that black tie is worn by participants regardless of the time of the ceremony.

    Attendees are almost always in coat and tie, again regardless of the time of day.
    Yes indeed!

    As a piper I've attended hundreds of weddings over the last 40 years here in California and here, at least, the men standing in the wedding generally wear tuxedos regardless of time of day.

    For kilted weddings the men are nearly always in black Argyll or Prince Charlie jackets.

    For those who might think it's "an American thing" there have been many weddings here for which one side of the family flew in from Scotland...the Scottish gents all in black Prince Charlie or Argyll jackets.

    Indeed there have been times when I've piped at a daytime wedding wearing a charcoal-grey tweed Argyll, me as an American in contrast to a dozen Scottish men in attendance, all in black Barathea.

    As Jock points out the split is between how lifetime kilt wearers in the Highlands do things, and how the Kilt Hire industry does things (whether the kilts are hired in Glasgow or Los Angeles).
    Last edited by OC Richard; 26th November 21 at 06:10 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    As Jock points out the split is between how lifetime kilt wearers in the Highlands do things, and how the Kilt Hire industry does things (whether the kilts are hired in Glasgow or Los Angeles).
    Indeed - up until fairly recently the choice of jackets with hire outfits was pretty much limited to black Argylls and PCs - although more and more places are now offering various tweeds (although the mainstay seams to be charcoal or light grey) - still the scope is broadening.

    The same is true for kilts, up until maybe 10 or 12 years ago the choice was pretty much limited to 5 or 6 tartans - with nearly everywhere including Black Watch, Royal Stewart, Dress Gordon and a couple of others. These days the choice is more varied - including many outfitters now offering their own house tartans and select others (Isle of Skye and Hunting Manx appear popular). Some even offer a bespoke tartan kilt (for a higher price) with the hire fee being discounted if you want to the buy the kilt afterwards - if nothing else I guess it helps spread the cost.

  7. #15
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    No matter how much we like to dress up/well, remember it's the bride's day and she should be the center of attention and not 'outdone'
    “It has never been hard to tell the difference between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.”

    P.G. Wodehouse.

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  9. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tomo View Post
    Indeed - up until fairly recently the choice of jackets with hire outfits was pretty much limited to black Argylls and PCs - although more and more places are now offering various tweeds (although the mainstay seems to be charcoal or light grey)...

    The same is true for kilts, up until maybe 10 or 12 years ago the choice was pretty much limited to 5 or 6 tartans - with nearly everywhere including Black Watch, Royal Stewart, Dress Gordon and a couple of others. These days the choice is more varied - including many outfitters now offering their own house tartans and select others (Isle of Skye and Hunting Manx appear popular).
    For a few years I was sort of following the Kilt Hire Industry trends in Scotland, and yes there was an obsession with all-grey outfits. One of the leading hire tartans for years was Grey Douglas, and on the heels of that came Grey Stewart and Grey Watch etc.

    Here are some one-colour Hire outfits. The photo in the upper left could be mistaken for a B&W photo if there wasn't some non-grey tartan on the shelf behind. Oi oi.

    Then the huge popularity of Isle Of Skye as a Hire tartan led to numerous new purplish tartans being created.

    These greyish and purplish tartans would be called things like "Highland Mist" "Highland Heather" 'Highland Granite" etc etc.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 27th November 21 at 08:27 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  11. #17
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    From the weddings I've been to in the last few years (most of them in Scotland) its far more common to see charcoal tweed jackets or black barathea. It seems to be a 50/50 split for the groom to have a fly plaid. I got married a few months back and opted for one (or I should say my wife opted for one) so that I would stand out a bit more. Not sure if I'll ever use it again.

    Screenshot 2021-11-27 at 16.56.34.jpg

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  13. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miller6582 View Post
    From the weddings I've been to in the last few years (most of them in Scotland) its far more common to see charcoal tweed jackets or black barathea.
    Dare I suggest that many of these jackets will have been either hired, or purchased, for the occasion or a similar one and that the kilt shop will have been the guide for many.

    I was brought up wearing tweed and at all the weddings I've been to in Scotland, admittedly many recent ones were family affairs, the groom and several others, wore tweed.

    Wedding-1.jpg Wedding-2.jpg

  14. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to figheadair For This Useful Post:

  15. #19
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    The timelessness of the outfits above are well demonstrated by these vintage wedding photos

    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  16. The Following 6 Users say 'Aye' to OC Richard For This Useful Post:

  17. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePotts View Post
    No matter how much we like to dress up/well, remember it's the bride's day and she should be the center of attention and not 'outdone'
    I absolutely agree, particularly when the bride in question is a chef and therefore has a talent with knives

    The groom will be in his weathered Henderson and we groomsmen will be in Black Watch, all with fly plaids, because that's what she told us to do!

  18. The Following User Says 'Aye' to TNScotsman For This Useful Post:

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