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  1. #11
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    Doesn't always matter

    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    It has been pointed out by someone that it might not be a good idea to wear a kilt in a situation where it would make you the center of attention such as a small concert in a church. Thoughts of the Rabble?
    I have been the only person in my congregation that wears a kilt for years.
    I have worn it to Weddings, Memorial services, Christmas, Easter, etc. For Weddings, I always ask the bride, it is her day.
    Most other times I am almost assured to be the best dressed, or one of the best dressed there.
    I was asked to sing with a group of other men, and was asked to NOT wear the kilt, and I was asked by a number of people why I didn't wear it.

    I think it is a matter of what is or becomes common. People adapt and understand after a while that it no longer becomes costume, but clothing.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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  3. #12
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    You will get only the best encouragement from this forum, and sage advice too.

    If you have been out of the kilt for a while, perhaps a period of 'doing time' in it casually at home, wearing it for day-to-day normal activities and the like, will remind you of the 'feel' as you build up courage.

    Once you are less concious of the kilt yourself, you will feel much more relaxed and comfortable, and will see through with a natural confidence any situation in which you happen to be wearing it.

    If you happen to be the only man kilted, you are sure to be noticed, but the interest will be kindly meant and may come with enquiries into the tartan, the traditions, etc, so keeping a few ready-prepared stock answers may be useful, too.

    But most important of all, wear it with pride and confidence will come naturally.

  4. The Following 7 Users say 'Aye' to Troglodyte For This Useful Post:

  5. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mddock58 View Post
    I was asked to NOT wear the kilt, and I was asked by a number of people why I didn't wear it.
    Ha! Goes to show you can't please everybody, so why not do what feels right to you?

    Your experience reminds me of the time I finished a piping job and ended up walking around a big swap meet sort of thing, in my kilts, pipes in hand.

    Over and over people asked me to play something. I deferred, saying I wasn't hired to play and didn't want to bother anybody.

    After an hour of being constantly asked to play something, finally when somebody practically begged me I fired up the pipes.

    Instantly a guy ran up screaming in my face to stop. Which I did, immediately, and went home.

    Well I suppose that should be the subject of a different thread Encouragement To Play The Pipes In Public!
    Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd December 21 at 04:43 AM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

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  7. #14
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    I'm awa ta the senior centre in ma kilt. I walk wi a cane now, guid thing to I may ha tae use it tae keep them old lassies off me.

  8. The Following 4 Users say 'Aye' to stickman For This Useful Post:

  9. #15
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    Good thing I had my stick. I was the hit at the senior center. Don't know how many pictures I had taken. So niver be feared tae gan oot in yer kilt.

  10. #16
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    you'll be fine

    if you're worried about being the center of attention, unless you dress in a drum majors attire then you might draw some attention. I have been wearing them now almost constantly (rarely wear them to the gym. deadlifting is harder in them) and I've never drawn an ordinate amounts of attention (even with my stellar built and dashing good looks, people who personally know me don't need to comment) usually one or two people tell me how much they love seeing a kilt in public.

  11. #17
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    Actually it's the perfect place to debut your new kilt. It's a special occasion and it's a festive and nostalgic time too. For many people it's the one time of year to dress up. I'd say a nice kilt ensemble trumps an Armani suit any day of the week.

  12. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to Bluescelt For This Useful Post:

  13. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    I'm in need of some encouragement. I haven't worn a kilt in over 15 years, so long that I seem to have misplaced the kilt I had before. So I'm practically a kilt newbie again. Yesterday I received my USAK casual kilt in Scottish National tartan. Now all I need is the courage to actually wear it out. I'm planning on going to a concert of Christmas music held in my church tonight. I would like to wear the kilt, but I'm nervous about what people might think. I really don't know that many people there, but I do see at least some of them once a week. I know it takes courage to wear a kilt, I just need a little help getting out of the door. I live in the American Bible belt if that is relevant.
    I too, was pretty nervous about wearing kilts in public at first. However, I was pleasantly surprised... I have since worn a kilt to church, to various formal functions, the hardware store, restaurants, the office, a company picnic and out for what my wife and I call "walkabout". Heck, I wore my Blackwatch kilt on Manitoulin Island this past summer - we were up there for the Perseids Meteor Shower and camped in a Dark Sky Preserve - rained practically the whole time we were there but, that's another story.

    Anyway - my advice to you is, strap it on! Wear it like you were born in it. But, be prepared for one of the three inevitable questions:

    1) Are you regimental?
    2) What's the occasion?
    3) Where's yer pipes?


  14. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wowbagger427 View Post
    I too, was pretty nervous about wearing kilts in public at first. However, I was pleasantly surprised... I have since worn a kilt to church, to various formal functions, the hardware store, restaurants, the office, a company picnic and out for what my wife and I call "walkabout". Heck, I wore my Blackwatch kilt on Manitoulin Island this past summer - we were up there for the Perseids Meteor Shower and camped in a Dark Sky Preserve - rained practically the whole time we were there but, that's another story.

    Anyway - my advice to you is, strap it on! Wear it like you were born in it. But, be prepared for one of the three inevitable questions:

    1) Are you regimental?
    2) What's the occasion?
    3) Where's yer pipes?

    I presume the traditional response to #3 is to slap your "pockets" and say "I must have left them in my other kilt"?
    When in doubt, end with a jig. - Robin McCauley

  15. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Touchstone View Post
    I presume the traditional response to #3 is to slap your "pockets" and say "I must have left them in my other kilt"?
    Nay... it's usually, "I'm a drummer..."

    Don't run wi' yer bagpipes... ye could put an aye out.

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