Opinions differ, but if you are wearing a kilt to honor your friends it sounds like a good enough reason. My personal opinion, which is worth about a pint of hen's teeth, is that the tartan that you wear should represent something to you. That can be clan, family, heritage, or anything that is meaningful to you. Clan tartans only date from about 200 years ago or so, long enough to establish a tradition, but arguably it gives people some leeway. Be aware as well that there is a Mississippi state tartan as well. State as in the actual state, not the college. Hotty Totty.
Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
“A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it).” Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.