Personally I’m not a big fan of the Prince Charlie jacket, I don’t own one and have taken a rather different approach. I was very fortunate to have inherited a black velvet Balmoral type coatee with steel cut buttons that are something of a family heirloom. It’s a bit of overkill for the average Burns night and more appropriate for Scottish balls of the most formal variety. Consequently I wanted something a bit less formal for those occasions as Burns night or private gatherings. Quite by chance I came across a black velvet Argyle jacket at a very reasonable price to wear to the less formal events. I did dress it up a bit with sterling silver buttons that were molded from the cut steel ones on the Balmoral (cast by a friend who is a jeweller.) I also have a black barathea Argyle with the standard silver buttons.
I much prefer the look of the regulation doublet especially when in velvet of different colours in blue as Peter mentioned, claret or bottle green.
Being male is a matter of birth,
Being a man is a matter of maturity,
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice!