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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by OC Richard View Post
    I ordered a jacket directly from the St Kilda Shop, which is the same firm as Gaelic Themes, and R G Hardie.

    They followed my chest measurement but added 6 inches to the waist, going against both their own size chart and the measurement I gave them.

    They also made it "long" though I didn't ask for that.

    When I contacted them they said custom orders couldn't be returned.

    Possibly better to order through local shop like you did, perhaps the shop knew how to phrase the order to get St Kilda to make the correct size.
    Well, I ordered my jacket and vest made to measure directly from the St. Kilda website last Monday. I followed their measuring guide, but after reading this I am a bit worried about the fit. I wonder if it is too late to provide them with additional instructions to insure a good fit.
    Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
    “A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it).” Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
    Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilted2000 View Post
    Well, I ordered my jacket and vest made to measure directly from the St. Kilda website last Monday. I followed their measuring guide, but after reading this I am a bit worried about the fit. I wonder if it is too late to provide them with additional instructions to insure a good fit.
    It's never too late to ask.

  4. #23
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    I bought my PC from Atlanta Kilts earlier this year and am very happy with the fit of the jacket, waistcoat, and kilt. I'm close enough that I joined the groom on a trip to their physical store to get measured, but they're a professional bunch and I'm confident will give good direction over the phone. Another member of the groom's party had to get his rental outfit that way and they were very helpful.

    The picture is of everything straight out of the box, so it's in need of a good steaming/pressing depending on the piece, but gives you a good idea of the overall fit.

    Last edited by TNScotsman; 14th March 22 at 10:18 AM.

  5. #24
    Join Date
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    I emailed St Kilda's and they said they always follow the customer's measurements to the letter and that if they don't they will correct the problem at their own expense. So, we shall see.
    Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
    “A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it).” Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
    Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.

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