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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th May 22
    Weatherford, Oklahoma
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    Hose for Formal Occasions

    Good Afternoon Fellow Kilters,

    I have another question that I can't really find an answer to. When going to formal events in the past I have worn either custom made Argyle hose or store-bought diced hose with my Montrose or Prince Charlie and my modern tartan kilts. However, I have an opportunity to obtain a kilt in the "dress" tartan (I know a lot of people do not like and even look down on the "dress" tartans, especially for men, but I am thinking of being a rebel here ) -- My question is this -- What hose would be most appropriate for a dress tartan kilt with a fair amount of white in it?

    Would the matching-colour Argyle or diced be okay? Or should the hose also have a fair amount of white in the pattern?

    Would cream/white hose be appropriate (I know these are also discouraged by many kilt wears now, although 20 years ago it seemed the recommended thing to do), although I am not a huge fan of them?

    A solid dark colour to match the dark portion of the kilt?

    Not that it will make much of a difference, but the shoes will probably be the very formal "Mary Jane" buckled brogues.

    Again, I will thank y'all in advance for your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and recommendations.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    2nd January 10
    Lethendy, Perthshire
    15 Post(s)
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    If it were me, I would be looking for tartan hose to match (expensive and limited use) or, a pair of diced hose that contrast well with the tartan such as red and blue, red and green etc.

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