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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Kilted Graduation

    I’ve been taking a class in computer programming and our graduation is next week. Normally I would wear my kilt, but there is a networking event before the actual ceremony. Since I would be meeting with potential employers, is a kilt a bad idea? Would people think it was unprofessional?
    Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
    “A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it).” Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
    Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    A tough call...

    Is the event with potential employers business casual or suit and tie? Business casual I think you could pull it off especially if the kilt boosts your confidence! You will standout from the crowd, and if you can back that up with confidence, and needed skillsets, you would be remembered. Currently the job market is a nightmare on the employer side. Attracting good employees with technical skills is an extremely difficult task for the vast majority of employers... the company I work for has been trying to fill engineering positions for over 2 years!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitfoxdave View Post
    Is the event with potential employers business casual or suit and tie? Business casual I think you could pull it off especially if the kilt boosts your confidence! You will standout from the crowd, and if you can back that up with confidence, and needed skillsets, you would be remembered. Currently the job market is a nightmare on the employer side. Attracting good employees with technical skills is an extremely difficult task for the vast majority of employers... the company I work for has been trying to fill engineering positions for over 2 years!
    It is business casual. If I don’t wear a kilt, I’ll probably have on a button front shirt, nice shoes, chinos, and possibly a sportcoat.
    Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
    “A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it).” Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
    Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.

  4. #4
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    Never wear anything that panics the cat or might panic potential employers.
    Rev'd Father Bill White: Mostly retired Parish Priest & former Elementary Headmaster. Lover of God, dogs, most people, joy, tradition, humour & clarity. Legion Padre, theologian, teacher, philosopher, linguist, encourager of hearts & souls & a firm believer in dignity, decency, & duty. A proud Canadian Sinclair with solid Welsh and other heritage.

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  6. #5
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    Father Bill is absolutely right here. We do have to remember we kilt enthusiasts here on this website and what we write is not regular reading for the majority. Not everyone likes kilts and certainly most are totally ignorant of them. We must not make assumptions, particularly when prospective employers are about. It’s common sense really.
    Last edited by Jock Scot; 30th June 22 at 02:03 AM.
    " Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.

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  8. #6
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    Father Bill and Jock Scot are correct here. While you want to make an impression to a potential employer, you do not want to make the wrong one.

    I worked for a company from the time it was a start up. Everyone early on knew I wore a kilt and played pipes (or had), and although I did not wear one to work we talked about it. At one point we had started to grow, and had a small company function, which included the initial investors. Another employee decided he would wear a kilt that day. It really wasn't appropriate and caused a lot of eye-rolling. And it did him no good at review time.

    Dress business casual, look good. But let your skills and knowledge make the impression.
    "There is no merit in being wet and/or cold and sartorial elegance take second place to common sense." Jock Scot

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  10. #7
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    While I have never visited Memphis, it strikes me as being similar in tastes to my hometown, Louisville. Rather conservative in most parts of the business sector. Individual offices/employers may vary, but most tend to 'toe the line' and even 'personal flair' like a wild tie can be frowned upon when seeking employment.

    I would forego the kilt for the reception/meet-and-greet and save it for an evening out with friends/family to celebrate your graduation.

    Congratulations, by the way.

  11. The Following User Says 'Aye' to EagleJCS For This Useful Post:

  12. #8
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    Kilted Graduation

    How badly do you need the job?
    "The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
    Ken Burns

  13. #9
    Join Date
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    Sadly, I have to agree with the majority of our fellow forum members here and vote against the kilt for this event. New grads in any field run the risk of rather harsh, quick judgement, so it's best not to stray from what's expected.

    I'm a professor and even though I work for a Presbyterian university who includes a kilted piper for all of our graduation ceremonies I refrain from wearing the kilt for commencement simply because it's best not to do things that the administration might see as lacking the proper respect for the ceremony. I don't agree with that perspective, but the risk of it keeps me in proper American dress for official campus events. I do, however, wear a tie in my clan tartan for every graduation!

    Perhaps that might be a proper nod to your heritage and enthusiasm for the kilt. If ties are going to be worn (not common any more, I realize), wear one in your family tartan. If no ties, perhaps a properly folded tartan pocket square that will compliment the rest of your attire. If nothing else maybe some tartan socks properly concealed under your chinos!

  14. The Following 2 Users say 'Aye' to TNScotsman For This Useful Post:


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