Tha mi uabhasach sgith gach latha.
A man should look as if he has bought his clothes (kilt) with intelligence, put them (it) on with care, and then forgotten all about them (it). Paraphrased from Hardy Amies
Proud member of the Clans Urquhart and MacKenzie.
Louisville, Kentucky, USA (38° 13' 11"N x 85° 37' 32"W gets you close)
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Originally Posted by MikePotts
And Now For Something completely Different............S'il vous plait?
Well, if you insist: Caminando Por La Calle - Gipsy Kings
Starting to use some international music titles would really open up some possibilities, but I don't think we've exhausted the english-speaking music world's possibilities yet (jazz, blues, dixieland, etc. still haven't really been tapped yet).
Well, if you insist: Caminando Por La Calle - Gipsy Kings
Starting to use some international music titles would really open up some possibilities, but I don't think we've exhausted the english-speaking music world's possibilities yet (jazz, blues, dixieland, etc. still haven't really been tapped yet).