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Thread: Sporran maker?

  1. #1
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    Sporran maker?

    Hello all,
    I recently was given a fur hat that had belonged to my great grandmother. It's Astrakhan wool (picture attached). I'd really like to find someone to make it into a dress sporrran. Anyone have any ideas on where to start?


  2. #2
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    Here's the pic IMG_1809.jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    There are quite a few sporran makers ranging from hobbyists to professionals.

    I admit to knowing little or nothing about most of them.

    I do know about a top-notch professional maker, Margaret Morrison, and that would be my go-to place for any project.

    They have the widest selection I know of leathers, hardware, experience, and know-how to turn that fur into a beautiful sporran.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by triforme View Post
    Hello all,
    I recently was given a fur hat that had belonged to my great grandmother. It's Astrakhan wool (picture attached). I'd really like to find someone to make it into a dress sporrran. Anyone have any ideas on where to start?

    For a start, I would measure the flat area of the hat - you will need at least nine inches by seven inches of fur pelt to make the front panel of a sporran. You will need two strips of at least nine inches by two inches in addition if you want a fur gusset also.

    The making-up is fairly straight-forward, once you have decided on what style you want - either the fold-over flap sort normally seen on sporrans favoured for day-wear, of the oval style that has a metal cantle to be a bit smarter. The Astrakhan hat looks like you could go with either option, and have a unique sporran as a result.

    The team at Margaret Morrison, the sporran-makers based in Perth, Scotland, are well-accustomed to making bespoke sporrans, and they offer a wide selection of styles and cantles. There is a fair number on this forum who have had MM produce something superb for them.

    I am a sporran-maker myself, and would be happy to discuss things further with you by PM. I like to use furs like your hat to re-dress vintage sporrans whose fur needs replacing and prefer to use 1930s - 1950s models, but I also replicate the old styles as completely new items.


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