Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
I have so much fabric these days it is a long time since I considered buying any for a specific purpose, but I think that an inverness really needs a softer weave than a kilt though still a fairly hefty and close woven wool of about the same weight as a good kilting fabric.

Ideally I would line the main part, probably use interfacing in the collar, behind the fastenings, and as rain these days seems to be much heavier than a decade or two ago, I would consider making a waterproof layer - probably removable and just a little longer than the outer cape part and without seams - I have been let down and water let in by seams too many times.

I'd line the cloak for ease of movement as wearing layers which cling to each other is so wearing after an hour or so.

Anne the Pleater
Are you aware of anyone who makes Inverness Capes (or Coachman's Cloaks) who would be capable of following those recommendations? I imagine the Coachman's Cloak would be bigger challenge, since it has actual sleeves