I turned on the radio at silly o'clock recently and the discoverer of the dinosaur - or should I say, re-discoverer was talking about it - Radio 4 frequency World Service.
It is really amazing how things can survive for so long.
I am re-reading Origins Revisited, Leakey and Levin, and looking for just how the fossils turn up, how they could have been lost if missed just as they were being eroded out of the earth.
Many years ago I went walking on the south downs and camped out, saw a UFO in the sunset, found a sheltered spot and was puzzled by the odd things in the soil - it was a straight sided dig as made by archaeologists into the slope of an ancient hill fort, but it had eroded further back into the hillside and there was pottery, bone, seashells and metal artifacts. Even back then in the 1970s I knew that those things should be left as they had fallen. I slept on the grassy slope under a full moon and had many a strange dream - all without the influence of illicit substances - it was a wonderful experience and still very vivid.
Anne the Pleater
I presume to dictate to no man what he shall eat or drink or wherewithal he shall be clothed."
-- The Hon. Stuart Ruaidri Erskine, The Kilt & How to Wear It, 1901.