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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by User View Post
    Full disclosure, I'm not Scottish. To me, that sporran looks like a fluffy dog's face.

    But maybe it would help to let you know some more of my personal tastes, in case you disagree with my fashion sense.
    I don't like fluffy sporrans, long hair sporrans, Prince Charlie jackets, or tuxedos. If you like those things, then you should probably disregard my view on that sporran.
    (I don't care if other people wear those things, they're just not for me.)
    "Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

    Seriously, I used to have at least one or two occasions per year to wear a tux. Even then, I'd defy the conventions a bit. I had a bow and cummerbund in Robertson Red Dress tartan (an actual kilt in that stoplight red I always thought just TOO much), but those little splashed of colorcried out from my neck and middle far more often than did regimental black (and many would say MY diversion was criminal). But I LOVED wearing that tux. I feel the same about my PC. I picked it up, used, from a used stuff tent at the Bitterroot Highland Games in Hamilton, MT a few years ago for almost nothing. It looks "OK," but my opportunities to wear it are few. Still, every time the issue DOES come up, I fantasize about visiting a highland clothier to have one made to measure, because when worn properly, they look AMAZING!

  2. #42
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    This is what my brain sees.
    But if you like it, who cares what I think.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shih-tzu-sporran.jpg 
Views:	8 
Size:	251.2 KB 
ID:	44267

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  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsrnephdoc View Post
    "Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

    Seriously, I used to have at least one or two occasions per year to wear a tux. Even then, I'd defy the conventions a bit. I had a bow and cummerbund in Robertson Red Dress tartan (an actual kilt in that stoplight red I always thought just TOO much), but those little splashed of colorcried out from my neck and middle far more often than did regimental black (and many would say MY diversion was criminal). But I LOVED wearing that tux. I feel the same about my PC. I picked it up, used, from a used stuff tent at the Bitterroot Highland Games in Hamilton, MT a few years ago for almost nothing. It looks "OK," but my opportunities to wear it are few. Still, every time the issue DOES come up, I fantasize about visiting a highland clothier to have one made to measure, because when worn properly, they look AMAZING!
    Well there you go. That's why I offered those extra details. If you're into tuxedos and Prince Charlies, then you dress up more than I do. So maybe the sporran is hitting that part of fashion that you enjoy and I avoid.
    Last edited by User; 21st March 25 at 11:45 AM.

  5. #44
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    Cool random thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by User View Post
    maybe the sporran is hitting that part of fashion that you enjoy and I avoid.
    Hey!!! We have the SAME couch! But our pooch is an English lab; if she had long hair but still shed as much as she does now, I could MAKE the sporran myself from her leavings.

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  7. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsrnephdoc View Post
    JPS, I'm not sure if you're saying that the jackets at K-A are "Wallace" jackets, or that there are "Wallace" jackets that are listed on other retailers' sites that have single-button closure as well as single button decoration on otherwise simple sleeves. If the former, can you provide me an example, because while I might be interested in purchasing another at some point, I'm not eager to pay K-A's prices, either.

    Assuming that St. Kilda Kilts and Gaelic Themes are one and the same, I just surfed to St. Kilda Store, where the "Wallace" jacket has a 3 button chest closure and the possibility of a single button decorating each sleeve cuff, but the chest closure is 3 buttons, and I'm not aware of other retailers that offer the jacket that K-A sells (either made to measure or off the rack), with a one-button front.
    I'm referring specifically to the USA Kilts site, which lists what you're looking for simply as "Tweed Jacket & Vest" with options to customize or remove features according to your personal taste.

  8. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by User View Post
    Full disclosure, I'm not Scottish. To me, that sporran looks like a fluffy dog's face.
    Almost like Chewbacca if you ask me. Just a little more taste than this: https://www.reddit.com/r/kilt/commen...g_a_chewbacca/

    I don't think I could pull that one off. Maybe a fox fur would be better... but I definitely like the cantel.

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  10. #47
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    I refer to my remarks on another thread “in a way that insults the kilt”.

    I could also have used the words “ridicules” or “in bad taste”.

    I am not a fan of fluffy sporrans however as a reasonably frequent wearer of formal highland wear I believe that a stylish hair sporran makes a good addition.

    e.g. https://morrison-sporrans.co.uk/prod...eeling-sporran

    Not that I could justify the cost.
    Last edited by Janner52; 21st March 25 at 03:34 PM.

    Exemplo Ducemus

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