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  1. #11
    Join Date
    13th December 04
    St. Louis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Carbomb
    Case point: I know "an individual" that just purchased 160 double-width yards of 16-ounce worsted wool MacLeod of Harris tartan for $1.20/yard. Try that through one of the internet tartan sellers.
    Jimmy you're so secritive, a covert kilt maker

    Thanks to both you and Barb for your expertise.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    24th October 04
    Cincinnati, Ohio
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    In all honesty, I figured that this was probably the case. That is why everyone has Blackwatch and Royal Stewart and no one has Aberdeen (the district tartan that some book said I was entitled to wear.) However, not long ago several of you kilt makers stated that you would do cheaper kilts if you were supplied with the fabric. I was trying to figure out why anyone would buy the fabric and then send it to a kilt maker when that nearly doubles the cost of a kilt based on prices I have seen for tartan.

    On the other hand, I have been playing with the tartan creator online, and really want to register a "Duke(s)" tartan and then get a kilt. Unfortunately the House of Tartan charges over $1100 to get a tartan woven, kilt (8 yard I think) made and register it - a little too much at the moment (now if someone is willing to weave 4-5 yards at under $50 a yard let me know - and I am planing on attending a large family reunion in April, you knows you may end up with several orders).


  3. #13
    Join Date
    30th November 04
    Deansboro, NY
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    Hi Adam

    D.C. Dalgliesh does custom weaves of single kilt lengths in single width in any tartan (including one that you would design yourself - they would just need the sett). I just had 8 yards of 16 oz woven, and I'd have to check for sure, but I'm certain the cost was under $50/yard, even with exchange rates sucking canal water at the moment. They do beautiful work.

    Let me know if you want their contact information.


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