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  1. #1
    Derek's Avatar
    Derek is offline
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    It was a superb day

    Where to start with this topic is difficult as I am still quite emotionally worked up after yesterday. For those who don’t know, it was Wales last match in the Six Nations Rugby Championship yesterday and we were playing Ireland at home at the Millennium Stadium Cardiff. So far during the championship Wales has won every match , which has been against so far, Scotland, England, France and Italy. If you win every match you win what is known as The Grand Slam. That does not necessarily mean you win the championship itself as that is worked on a points system. Anyhow if we were to beat Ireland we would get the grand slam and as it happens win the championship as well. Last time Wales won the grand slam was back in the seventies. What's this to do with kilts you may well ask …. well I have never worn my kilt into the city centre on an international rugby day …. Its standing room only in all the pubs, plastic glasses and beer being spilt everywhere .. A fabulous recipe for having a good time but also a very good recipe for getting an expensive kilt ruined. Yesterday though was different. I just had to wear it. The whole of Wales must have turned out in Cardiff … well it certainly seemed like it. The stadium, as it normally does, was a sell out with 74,000 and a further 150,000 were in the city centre to support the boys. Cardiff was nothing but a sea of Red absolutely everywhere. Extra roads had to be closed to allow for all the people. In all my years I have never witnessed anything like it before. The city council had erected giant screens around the place and were pulling out all the stops out for this historic match. Incidentally Wales have not beaten Ireland since 1973. The atmosphere was absolutely superb. You cannot put it into words. Incidentally I better mention now, Wales won!!!! 32 / 20. Most people were extremely emotional when the last whistle blew… brought many men to tears. Back to my kilt … we had a few beers in a few pubs although it took eons to get served .. Not one glance, comment or kilt lift all day… and with just as many women in red swigging the pints back and in very joyful spirits I thought a kilt lift might have happened at least once. I only saw another two guys in kilts, but I’m sure there were more floating around. Took a picture in the kitchen before I left. The celebrations in Cardiff are still going on today, so me (kilted of course) and the wife are returning to the city centre to join in. Sorry to have gone on a bit .. but you have one very proud Welshman here.
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  2. #2
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
    Doc Hudson is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I don't follow Rugby or football, American or European, but I'm glad to hear of a Welsh victory.

    Doc Hudson, related to Owenes, Griffins, Joneses, and Morgans

  3. #3
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    Beam-on, Derek! I know first hand the kind of electricity that such events can generate. I got a little shot of adrenaline just reading your report. You never know... Perhaps the kilt gods were so thrilled that you wore your kilt, they just couldn't resist tipping the results in your favor!


  4. #4
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    Congratulations on the win! I know exactly the atmosphere you're talking about, after the Boston Red Sox won the baseball World Series for the first time since 1918. Men crying, strangers hugging in the streets, cars set on fire...well, Boston celebrates victories strangely. I'm glad the kilt was a non-event, and even happier that you saw others kilted out there as well.


  5. #5
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    You deserve to be proud, Derek. I'm glad the home team won. I've heard about the singing at matches in Cardiff - when it starts, the whole crowd gets caught up in the emotion. Celebrate your victory!

  6. #6
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    Hearty congratulations, Derek, to 'your' team.

    I don't follow Rugby, Football or Cricket (in fact, the only sport I follow is the Tour de France!), but I was in London yesterday (Saturday) when Scotland was playing England in the same Six-Nations competition at Twickenham. [For those not in the know, Twickenham is the prime Rugby stadium on the outskirts of London].

    Both my companion, another kiltie, and I were convinced the capital would be awash with kilted Scots supporters prior to the evening match (it always is when there's an international football match), but whilst spending the whole day there, we saw just one other kilted guy!! Where were they all?

    The interesting thing is that we were asked many times, "Shouldn't you be heading for Twickenham?" - because of our kilts I guess.

    We were not of course! Instead, we spent the morning 'doing' a couple of art galleries before going off to meet Howie Nicholsby of "TFCK", and to collect my new [NO! Not kilt...!] dress doublet** from Geoffrey (Tailor) Ltd.

    ** Photo will be made available in a day or two!

    Love to Elaine and yourself, and
    Take care,
    (PS: Sadly, Scotland lost to England in the Rugby!)

  7. #7
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    Thanks Derek, great story. You stirred my Welch blood (Bowen).

    Once again, this group is the spearpoint of the kilt revival. We gotta get out there and be seen for others to figure out that freedom is available.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

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    Congrats Derek Although I don't know much about Rugby, I get the same way during SuperBowl Football!

    By the way did you see the Welsh Drogon kilt on ebay? Looks cool,the ultimate sports fan kilt!

    Enjoy the win!

  9. #9
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    Woooo! Go Wales!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    You da man

    Go Wales
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.


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