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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I got me two of them Freelanders, ya gotta have a brown one too Todd, ya gotta.

    So did the boys start cranking out sporran straps too yet? If ya need one talk to Robert at RKilts, where I wound up getting mine.

    Thought I'd heard talk that they might be making some Traditional Norwegian sporran straps to go with the Freelander Sporrans soon.

    Ain't the leather a dream?

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Atticus and Todd,
    Thats really great news.

    Sten Rune and I still have problems when it comes to excepting the praise you guys heap upon us. We know there are other sporrans out there. So we think it's just great that you choose ours.

    We like to keep it as simple as possible. We get suggestions almost daily. At the moment we have been trying to cast in Pewter.The idea being to replace the lid button.We are still in the trial stage it may be sometine until we will show some results.

    Fur is another area which we are looking at. (There are a lot of rabbits missing from Hutches in the area
    Can't think why) Only joking. We buy the pelts...Honest we do.

    Another area will be straps. Some of you have straps that we have made.When We find a source of leather we are "happy" with (Read right price) we will indeed be making more straps

    ....and Guys spare a thought for the poor unfortunates that haven't received their's as yet....To those who are waitting ....It'll be worth it.

    Many thanks from Sten Rune and myself
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
    My Photo Gallery Flickr

  3. #13
    macwilkin is offline
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    I showed the wife my new sporran when she got home from work last night, and she was impressed. She normally humours me whenever I get excited about something Scottish, but this time she was impressed by the quality of the Freelander.

    David, you & Sten have every right to be proud of your handiwork, and your humility makes me even more glad that I finally got off my duff & ordered a Freelander! :mrgreen:



  4. #14
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    ....and Guys spare a thought for the poor unfortunates that haven't received their's as yet....To those who are waitting ....It'll be worth it.
    Waiting with baited breath... patience is a learned virtue, thanks for helping us learn, David.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geoduck
    ....and Guys spare a thought for the poor unfortunates that haven't received their's as yet....To those who are waitting ....It'll be worth it.
    Waiting with baited breath... patience is a learned virtue, thanks for helping us learn, David.
    It won't be long mate I promise
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
    My Photo Gallery Flickr

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