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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    from England now in Ontario Canada
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    hard one to answer.just looks dam good 8)

  2. #22
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    For me it is as I have said before. Something primordial and strong inside me feels truer when I wear the kilt. My celtic blood pumps faster and I feel like a sword that has been sharpened to a fine edge...it's how I am supposed to be. I feel comfortable and happy. It's just....right. that's the best way I can put it.

    BTW Magnus from one 300+ lbs kilted gorilla to another, "ARRGGH!"
    us ugly one got to stick together.

  3. #23
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    I think the attraction of the kilt is the sheer masculinity of it. A polynisian in a sarong may look masculine and warrior-like but I doubt that a skinny white guy like me would. Let me put on my kilt and the "inner warrior" starts to come out. It shows in the confidence and the tendancy to swager just a bit. The knowlege that most guys are too insecure to step out dressed in a kilt doesn't hurt either.

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati

  4. #24
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
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    I looked at your gallery.

    Mighty fine looking Electra Glide. Can't say much for the scruffy old buzzardleaning on the bike, but the bike sure looks great. :P

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Hudson

    I looked at your gallery.

    Mighty fine looking Electra Glide. Can't say much for the scruffy old buzzardleaning on the bike, but the bike sure looks great. :P
    You're right, of course. I don't know why my wife lets that old coot hang around!

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Button Pushing

    History and tradition got it started. I'm your basic East Texas Celtic mutt---Scots, Irish, probably a bit of Welsh (as I can't imagine a non-Welsh great-great-uncle named Dafydd).

    But I can't lay it all off on history and tradition.

    A big part of it is comfort. I'm all round heeled for comfort.

    A big part of it is a thumb in the eye to people who say "why real men do . . . " (insert whatever, i.e., "not wear beards" or "wear pants" or whatever).

    I'll also admit: I like the swish.

  7. #27
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    Button Pushing

    History and tradition got it started. I'm your basic East Texas Celtic mutt---Scots, Irish, probably a bit of Welsh (as I can't imagine a non-Welsh great-great-uncle named Dafydd).

    But I can't lay it all off on history and tradition.

    A big part of it is comfort. I'm all round heeled for comfort.

    A big part of it is a thumb in the eye to people who say "why real men do . . . " (insert whatever, i.e., "not wear beards" or "wear pants" or whatever).

    I'll also admit: I like the swish.

  8. #28
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    Good shirt idea

    "I Like the Swish"

    How many people would think it said I like the Swiss.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    My appreciation for a kilt is very similar to a sword. It is a simple object that has been crafted and honed to a perfect tool. I don't mean that to sound mellow dramatic but I believe that principle is what I like about the kilt.

    I grew up with an appreciation of family and heritage and understood our connection to Scotland and Ireland though I never really got into the American Clan organization, but I cannot totally say that heritage is why I want to wear a kilt.

    My body style is short legs and long torso so fitting clothes is a challange. Pants will ride down if I don't sinch my belt to an uncomfortable tension and shirts quickly shrink so as to not stay tucked in. A high riding kilt is the perfect answer. Not to mention I've got calfs like a clydesdale that just look great under a kilt (if I do say so myself).

    My biggest hold up was the typical reservation of "people will think I'm wearing a skirt" or it will be seen as being "grungey" or going thru a mid-life crisis. After awhile I felt it was just time to reclaim the choice to wear what I want. Kilted or not, my values are still the same, I'm just as good a Father as before, I'm not exploring "alternative lifestyles" or whatever else people think.

    I simply prefer to wear something that I don't have to pull up every time I move, I like not having a denim inseam cutting me in half, I hate pants with a baggy butt, I don't want my leggs constricted and yes a little breeze is a great reminder that I'm the most comfortable person around.

    I've proven all I need to prove to myself and to anyone else and the fact that I was wearing pants when I did that didn't get me any bonus points.

    I'm very glad that there are others out there wearing kilts with class and self-respect, demonstrating that the kilt is not out of place in todays society when worn with self-respect.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus Sporrano
    In the last six months since taking up the kilt, I have met and danced with more beautiful ladies than in the previous 15 years
    Well Magnus, as another 300lb+ gorilla on here (maybe we should start a club or something... ) it's nice to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Now I just need to come up with the courage to actually go out and dance Of course, being underage doesn't really help that.

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