Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Kit
Interesting story Cyndi. John Laffin in his book: Scotland the Brave (Cassell 1963) goes as follows:
"The War Office war on the kilt broke out again in 1939 when it banned the garment because of its 'unsuitability for mechanized warefare'. It could be worn only for ceremonial occasions and for walking out.
In December that year the War Office issued to the 1st.Argylls trial undergarments to protect the wearer from the effects of war gases. The colour of this undergarment was PINK. Worse,it looked remarkably feminine in its design. Several pairs of this monstrosity were sent to the Argylls 'for trial and report'. The Argylls report was brief and to the point and there was no further issue. The intriguing aspect of the matter is-what sort of intellect dreamed up pink bloomers for Scotsmen?
Still,Highlanders who took part in the raid on St.Nazaire in 1942 were given special permission to wear the kilt-and all the more aggressive they must have been for it."
Cheers Kit.
I imagine the pink colour was from the chemicals they doused the 'bloomers' with, don't you think? I wonder what colour the anti-gas stockings were.

If it was otherwise, and there was indeed a diabolical cleverness behind the pink undies, then I think the answer to '...what sort of intellect dreamed up pink bloomers for Scotsmen?' is obvious : an Englishman's!

Thanks for posting the interesting excerpt, Kit!