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Thread: Kilted Threat

  1. #1
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    Kilted Threat

    Well, an interesting experience for me yesterday. It was Memorial Day and my brother wanted to go to the mall to pick a few things up. I accompanied him, as did our mother, and I was wearing my UK Survival. I noticed the usual glances as I wandered around, but one thing was an unusual occurrence. After having been there about 30 mins, we were wandering down one of the wings when my brother came up to me and said, "Hey, I just heard a security guard back there get onto his radio and say 'We've got a guy wandering around in a dress'! A dress? Anyone can see it's not a dress, even if they can't identify it as a kilt. They must have boring jobs if that's all they do all day."

    Either that or the kilted threat rises once again.

  2. #2
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    Well Galant, at least you were dressed LOL!

    Seriously I feel strange when I hear the word "dress" in relation to the kilt. Like you said some people just don't get it, and probably never will, I feel for them. I said this a long time ago, but I felt a victory when someone stopped calling my kilts dresses and at least mentioned it as a kilt.

    At least we are out trying to educate everyone, and it will come to fruition, slowly.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  3. #3
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    Maybe there really was some other guy running around in a dress.

    I turned to confront a guy once who had said to his buddy, "look at that fag in a dress!"
    They were looking at an obvious transvestite across the street. Pumps, make up, summer dress, etc.
    I went on my way thinking maybe the world doesn't revolve around me. I came to my senses later on.

  4. #4
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    People with too little to do in their time...If ignorance is bliss there are A LOT of happy people out there. LOL

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com
    ...I went on my way thinking maybe the world doesn't revolve around me. I came to my senses later on.
    another wonderful Bear-ism

  6. #6
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    Hmmm, remind me not to wear my Makabi River Skirt when I'm down in Tucson visiting the grandkids...

    Ron Mac
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  7. #7
    Graham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com
    Maybe there really was some other guy running around in a dress.

    I turned to confront a guy once who had said to his buddy, "look at that fag in a dress!"
    They were looking at an obvious transvestite across the street. Pumps, make up, summer dress, etc.
    I went on my way thinking maybe the world doesn't revolve around me. I came to my senses later on.

    That's a classic Bear, when I hear people laughing I often assume they are laughing at me, again, such is not always the case.

  8. #8
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    I had that damned dress comment thown at me in a buffet line at a wedding on Friday night. I was kind of taken aback, seeing as my wife's family loves the kilt, and I'm frequently not the only kilted guy around them.

    After recommending a beer to someone who was lamenting American laggars, some smart --- said "And that's coming from a guy in a dress!"

    I just looked at the guy and stated (shaking my head and giving one of my "how could you be so ignorant" glares) "It's clearly NOT a dress."

    The guy promptly shut up.

    I'm glad it was her family, because having to behave kept me in line.

  9. #9
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    It is so rare to get negative comments.. but, I am 6'2" and 250#. Maybe people are just careful I don't hear them.

    When walking into a Starbuck’s on Sunday, I had a guy obviously snickering at my kilt and before he could say anything his girlfriend yells out, "Oh my, that is soooo sexy! I love a man in a kilt!" She turned to her boyfriend and said, "I'll bet you aren't confident enough to wear a one, are you?" The smirk on his face was GONE in a flash and was replaced with a look of panic. He just stammered and mumbled something like, "I'm not Irish." She said, "I don't care!" I chipped in, "You don't have to be Scottish or Irish to wear a kilt.. it really is part of our American heritage.. but, she is right, you have to be pretty damned confident to wear a kilt, most guys just don’t have the balls. There are a lot of homophobes that stoop to calling a kilt a dress. I figure they are just showing their insecurity or ignorance, it is hard to tell which, probably both.”

    Damn, she was really cute too.

  10. #10
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motorman4life
    It is so rare to get negative comments.. but, I am 6'2" and 250#. Maybe people are just careful I don't hear them.

    When walking into a Starbuck’s on Sunday, I had a guy obviously snickering at my kilt and before he could say anything his girlfriend yells out, "Oh my, that is soooo sexy! I love a man in a kilt!" She turned to her boyfriend and said, "I'll bet you aren't confident enough to wear a one, are you?" The smirk on his face was GONE in a flash and was replaced with a look of panic. He just stammered and mumbled something like, "I'm not Irish." She said, "I don't care!" I chipped in, "You don't have to be Scottish or Irish to wear a kilt.. it really is part of our American heritage.. but, she is right, you have to be pretty damned confident to wear a kilt, most guys just don’t have the balls. There are a lot of homophobes that stoop to calling a kilt a dress. I figure they are just showing their insecurity or ignorance, it is hard to tell which, probably both.”

    Damn, she was really cute too.
    IMNSHO, if you'd been of a mind, you could probably have walked out of Starbucks with that young lady on your arm if you'd made a little effort.

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